Have you ever wondered why all the schools suddenly have posters about washing your hands and hand sanitizer in every room? Ever wondered why we suddenly have motion activated paper towels everywhere? Seen the signs for MRSA and how to avoid it? Looked at headlines about flesh eating bacteria and wondered why we suddenly have these weird monsters that sound like they are from outer space?
These questions can all be answered at the nanometer scale, and they involve what we are doing to ourselves with our modern technology and medical care. If we were more knowledgeable and careful about how we take our medications, we would have less of these frightening, difficult-to-combat invaders. We are in a battle against both bacteria and viruses. Bacteria are developing strategies to evade our antibiotics, so scientists have to change them and find new ones. Viruses are even more insidious, invading our cells and turning our own genetic machinery against us. Can we slow these terrifying microbes down? Yes, we can do it by taking medications as prescribed and avoiding unnecessary use.