Benefits to Participating Locations
The Yale National Initiative offers a range of services to school districts and universities that are exploring or planning an Institute, as well as to Institutes that have been established.
Through information sessions, site visits, annual conferences, and national seminars the Initiative sustains existing Teachers Institutes and assists with the planning or consideration of Teachers Institutes for other communities. National seminars have the twin purposes of providing teachers first-hand experience with the Institute Approach, while affording them an opportunity to increase their preparation in a subject they teach and to develop a curriculum unit to teach what they have learned to their own students.
The Yale National Initiative offers a range of services to school districts and universities that are exploring or planning an Institute, as well as to Institutes that have been established.
The Articles of Understanding provide the necessary basis for partnerships that adopt the New Haven model, wish to participate in the Yale National Initiative, and become members of the League of Teachers Institutes.
The process of establishing a Teachers Institute that will participate in the Yale National Initiative requires of those who will engage in the new partnership a detailed acquaintance with, and understanding of, the principles and procedures of such an Institute.
The school districts participating in the Yale National Initiative include those with Teachers Institutes and those that are planning or exploring the creation of such Institutes.
The League of Teachers Institutes is an informal alliance of university-school partnerships that have been recognized as following the Understandings and Procedures that define the Teachers Institute Approach to high-quality teacher professional development.
From 1985 through 2005 a National Advisory Committee, composed of Americans distinguished in the fields of education, private philanthropy, and public policy, assisted the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute with the dissemination, evaluation, and development of its programs.