League of Teachers Institutes®

The League of Teachers Institutes is an informal alliance of university-school partnerships that have been recognized as following the Understandings and Procedures that define the Teachers Institute Approach to high-quality teacher professional development. Each Teachers Institute engages the serious educational challenges associated with low-income communities and a high proportion of racial and ethnic diversity. Each Institute identifies the principal ways it can assist the school district(s) it serves. The League of Teachers Institutes is a trademark of Yale University and is supported by Yale.

Policies and Procedures

The office of the Director of the Yale National Initiative will coordinate the provision of assistance in various forms to League Institutes and to school districts and universities that are exploring, considering, or planning a new Teachers Institute. All requests — including requests for materials, site visits, visits to League Institutes, and assistance in other ways — should be made to the Director. Any requests that League Institutes may receive will be forwarded to the Director for reply.


Every Teachers Institute prepares an annual report that describes its scope, strategy, goals, and progress.

Local Teachers Institutes

Browse the curricular resources prepared by teachers who have participated in local Teachers Institutes by going directly to each Institute's website.