
Reports describe the ways that the Teachers Institute Approach relates to education policy, the curriculum units teachers write and their uses, and the results of a longitudinal analysis of data from questionnaires participants complete at the conclusion of their participation each year.

The Teachers Institute Approach and Education Policy

Reports describe the ways the Teachers Institute Approach represents high-quality professional development and promotes teacher retention and student engagement in high-need schools. They also describe the ways that Teachers Institutes implement education policies advocated by the Obama administration.

Fellow Questionnaire Results

Evaluation has been integral to a National Demonstration Project and the work of the Yale National Initiative.

Teachers Institute Curriculum Units

The curriculum units teachers write are designed to ensure that they will introduce aspects of the seminar subject they are studying in their school courses. Reports describe the significance of curriculum units to the Teachers Institute Approach, the ways in which curriculum units are used by teachers, including teachers who have accessed those units on the National Initiative website.