Index of all Curriculum Units, 2005-2024
Since the Yale National Initiative began its work in 2005, hundreds of teaching units have been prepared by scores of teachers on countless themes. The volumes containing the teaching units are a treasure trove of ideas and procedures for teaching English, History, Social Studies, Languages, the Arts, Mathematics, and Science in elementary, middle, and high schools. A list of these volumes appears on the Seminar Volumes page of this website. The very bulk of the material, however, made it somewhat tiresome to search through all the volumes to unearth the gems of special interest to the searcher. Therefore, in the fall of 2019, James Vivian, Director of the Initiative, commissioned the preparation of a topical index to all units written from 2005 through 2019. All the units written annually thereafter will be added. The result of that commission appears in this online index.
First a defining word or two and then a suggestion about using the index.
Each teaching unit is designated by three two-digit numbers. For example, the form "04.01.09" refers to the year the unit was written (2004), the volume number (1) for the seminar in which the unit was developed, and the chapter (9) in that volume where the unit appears. The indexers decided not to indicate whether the units were primarily for elementary school, middle school, or for high school classes. It has seemed - and teachers have often said - that a great many of the units, regardless of their originally intended audience, are readily adaptable for use across a wide range of grades.
To make the index easier to use, four typefaces differentiate among main categories and their subheadings. Major headings appear in large boldface type; minor headings are in italics; first subheadings are in standard typeface; and second subheadings are in bold italic type. An example is provided below:
African Americans
Slavery and Reconstruction
14.01.09 Pain to Pride: A Visual Journey of African American Life in 19th Century Richmond, VA
Some major categories are lengthy. Therefore the reader may sometimes need to scroll through preceding entries to find the major heading.
Now a suggestion. No index can be prepared to everyone's satisfaction, especially with regard to the number of specific topical entries and with regard to cross-referencing. The index that follows has assumed an open and explorative reader. We urge the users of the index to take an open attitude in searching the index for units of interest to them. The alternative would be an index so long and cumbersome as seriously to reduce its usefulness.