Index of all Curriculum Units, 2005-2024

Section "O"

Obama, Barack H.
21.01.04 Mobilizing Change: Lessons Learned from Obama's 2008 Campaign
12.03.05 Could YOU be President?: Explaining and Exploring Presidential Possibility through Autobiography
11.03.10 The Declaration of Independence: Still Inspiring Americans to Fight for Freedom!
10.02.07 Educating Tomorrow's Orators
10.02.09 Barack Obama's Rhetoric: The Trajectory of a Post-Racial America?
10.03.10 Barack Obama: A Nonfiction Approach to Reading in the "Reel" World through Documentary, Political Images, and Speech
09.02.02 The Audacity of Hope for a Hopeless Generation
09.02.03 Turning Hope into Reality
09.02.05 Analysis of the Obama Election: Will It Bring Rights and Representation for Minorities?

Orwell, George
21.03.11 Orwell's Dystopian Inequality: Fact or Fiction?