Index of all Curriculum Units, 2005-2024

Section "N"


and Mathematics
10.05.06 The Size of Matter: Why Properties Change at the Nanoscale
10.05.07 If You Can See It, It's Not Nano: Working with Numbers at the Extremes

10.05.01 The Relative Nature of Size in Biological Sciences: Let's Start Small and Work Our Way Up

10.05.03 Teeny Tiny Wonders: Nanotechnology and Machines

10.05.02 Nanotechnology and Clean Water: How Safe Is Our Drinking Water?

10.05.08 Health and the Invisible World

10.05.05 Nanotechnology for Enhancing Math, Science, and Language Arts in the Elementary Grades: How Small Is Your Future?

Physics of
10.05.04 Nanotechnology and Quantum Mechanics: Bringing High School Physics into the 21st Century


18.01.04 The American Dream,
15.01.10 Words of Patriotism: The Pledge of Allegiance
11.03.01 Let Freedom Ring!
11.03.10 The Declaration of Independence: Still Inspiring Americans to Fight for Freedom!

13.01.08 Medals, Monuments, and Money: Nationalist Art in Spain and Mexico

Native Americans

15.04.09 The Authenticity of Native American Indian Character and Culture in Book and Film

07.02.08 More Than Just Whodunit - Using a Mystery Story to Motivate Tenth-Grade Students to Read

06.04.09 Native American Music and Dance

16.01.06 Relationships of African Americans and Creeks in Oklahoma to 1936
06.04.09 Native American Music and Dance


17.01.05 Using Navajo Contemporary Art to Teach Descriptive Writing to ELL Students
16.05.08 Diyogi (Navajo Rug) and the Number Line
14.01.04 Anasazi Images on Navajo Land
14.01.10 Making Art against the Odds: The Triumph of Edmonia Lewis
06.04.03 Native American Art Traditions in the Middle School Arts Curriculum
06.04.07 Noble Savage: Depictions of Native Americans Throughout U.S. History

06.04.09 Native American Music and Dance

11.04.12 Feathers and Beads: Exploring Heritage through the Mardi Gras Indians

13.03.10 The Significance of My Great-Grandparent

17.04.09 Salt and Health – It's not fair!
15.01.03 Farming, Food and a Balanced Navajo Lifestyle

19.03.07 The Different Types of Government and The Vote

24.05.01 Evolutionary Medicine: Navajo Nation Kids Learn the History of Evo Med
24.05.07 Evolutionary Medicine: Pathogen (COVID-19, Influenza) and the Navajo People
17.04.09 Salt and Health – It's not fair!
16.04.07 Náhasdzáán Nílchi Binaadohígíí - Carbon Dioxide
15.06.01 Diabetes and Navajo Nation
14.06.06 Microbiome within the Circle of Life
12.05.01 Diné Be'azee': Diné Traditional Medicine

19.05.03 Native American Geometric Community
19.05.10 Area and Perimeter: Farming Polyominos on the Navajo Nation
17.05.04 Math World Problems and the Diné Hooghan

17.02.10 Shi - Child of the Holy People

19.03.08 Á?chíní Bi Beehaz'áanii: Applying Navajo Fundamental Law to Preserve Cultural Heritage

06.04.09 Native American Music and Dance

24.03.01 Poetry Through Hózhó: The Beauty Way of Life
23.02.07 Through the Eyes of a Navajo: Nature Writing
18.02.08 Ekphrastic Poetry: Connecting with the Original Language and Culture Through Poetry
14.02.08 Using Poetry Songs to Teach Fluency Using Literature about Navajo Culture in an ELL Classroom
13.02.03 Seasonal Dine/Navajo Poetry: Interpreting the Seasons through Dine/Navajo Culture

14.04.02 Eloquence and Culture Leading with Words

17.01.06 Bringing Indigenous Stories to the Classroom through Art and Comics
16.03.09 Journey to the Sun: Reclaiming Imagination and Self-Esteem through Culture and History
13.02.05 Real American: Making Literature a Means for Displacing Native American Stereotypes

Depictions of
23.01.05 Colours of Humanity: Artistic representations of the "Other"
23.01.06 Clothing and Identity in Early America: Black Women and AmerIndian Men
18.03.04 Stories Told through Literature, Film and How It Applies to Our Society
18.03.05 Native American Literature Adaptation: From Smoke Signals to Reading Comprehension
15.04.09 The Authenticity of Native American Indian Character and Culture in Book and Film
14.01.03 Whose Destiny? Viewing America's Westward Expansion through Artful Eyes
14.01.04 Anasazi Images on Navajo Land
14.01.08 Perspectives on Life during the Revolutionary War through the Lens of Art and Literature
06.04.07 Noble Savage: Depictions of Native Americans Throughout U.S. History

Diné Nation (see Diné Nation (Navajo))
24.03.01 Poetry Through Hózhó: The Beauty Way of Life
24.05.01 Evolutionary Medicine: Navajo Nation Kids Learn the History of Evo Med
24.05.07 Evolutionary Medicine: Pathogen (COVID-19, Influenza) and the Navajo People
22.03.01 Reclaiming the Lost Art of Storytelling Using Textile
22.04.03 Using Out of This World Knowledge to Build Literacy Skills! Space Writer on Board!
22.05.06 "To 'iina 'ate: Water is Life," Navajo Farming During a Drought
21.01.07 AIM and Native American political activism in the 20th century
19.02.07 A History of Peacemaking and Incarceration with the Dine People
19.03.07 The Different Types of Government and The Vote
19.03.08 Á?chíní Bi Beehaz'áanii: Applying Navajo Fundamental Law to Preserve Cultural Heritage
19.05.10 Area and Perimeter: Farming Polyominos on the Navajo Nation
18.02.08 Ekphrastic Poetry: Connecting with the Original Language and Culture Through Poetry
17.01.05 Using Navajo Contemporary Art to Teach Descriptive Writing to ELL Students
17.02.02 Identity of Past and Present Diné
17.02.10 Shi - Child of the Holy People
17.04.09 Salt and Health – It's not fair!
17.05.04 Math World Problems and the Diné Hooghan
16.03.09 Journey to the Sun: Reclaiming Imagination and Self-Esteem through Culture and History
16.04.07 Náhasdzáán Nílchi Binaadohígíí - Carbon Dioxide
16.05.08 Diyogi (Navajo Rug) and the Number Line
15.01.03 Farming, Food and a Balanced Navajo Lifestyle
15.02.02 Tragedies and Plots Shaped by Characters of Shakespeare and Navajo Oral Myths
15.04.09 The Authenticity of Native American Indian Character and Culture in Book and Film
15.06.01 Diabetes and Navajo Nation
14.01.04 Anasazi Images on Navajo Land
14.02.08 Using Poetry Songs to Teach Fluency Using Literature about Navajo Culture in an ELL Classroom
14.04.02 Eloquence and Culture Leading with Words
14.06.06 Microbiome within the Circle of Life
13.02.03 Seasonal Dine/Navajo Poetry: Interpreting the Seasons through Dine/Navajo Culture
13.03.10 The Significance of My Great-Grandparent
13.05.09 Nihodzaan (Mother Earth)
12.03.10 Naataanii'
12.05.01 Diné Be'azee': Diné Traditional Medicine
11.04.03 The Intangible Heritage of Diné
06.04.03 Native American Art Traditions in the Middle School Arts Curriculum

08.03.12 Who decides who benefits? A comparative view of wealth distribution using examples from New Mexico's Legislature, Santa Fe City and the Pueblo of Pojoaque

in Film
18.03.04 Stories Told through Literature, Film and How It Applies to Our Society
18.03.05 Native American Literature Adaptation: From Smoke Signals to Reading Comprehension
15.04.09 The Authenticity of Native American Indian Character and Culture in Book and Film
06.01.01 Cultural Literacy through Media: Breaking Down Stereotypes by Building Up Knowledge

23.04.02 Environmental Justice and Land Issues of Indigenous People
20.01.04 American Heritage: Unmasked, Unpacked & Uncloaked
19.02.07 A History of Peacemaking and Incarceration with the Dine People
18.03.04 Stories Told through Literature, Film and How It Applies to Our Society
17.02.02 Identity of Past and Present Diné
16.01.02 Interpreting Moments of American Indian Activism
16.01.04 Rewriting the Narrative of American History: American Indian Identity and the Process of Recovery
16.01.05 The Constitutional Crisis of Indian Removal
16.01.06 Relationships of African Americans and Creeks in Oklahoma to 1936
16.01.08 The Menominee Journey to Self Determination
16.01.09 Indian Boarding Schools: A Case Study of Assimilation, Resistance, and Resilience
16.01.10 Code-Switching: From Indian Boarding Schools to Urban Classrooms
14.01.03 Whose Destiny? Viewing America's Westward Expansion through Artful Eyes
14.01.04 Anasazi Images on Navajo Land
14.01.08 Perspectives on Life during the Revolutionary War through the Lens of Art and Literature
14.04.02 Eloquence and Culture Leading with Words
13.03.10 The Significance of My Great-Grandparent
13.04.03 Whence We Stand: A Visual/Geography/History Adventure
12.03.10 Naataanii'
11.03.08 An Opportunity for All? Andrew Jackson and the American Indian
11.04.03 The Intangible Heritage of Diné
10.06.06 Teaching Principles of Evolutionary Medicine through a Historical Lens
06.04.01 Let Our Things Speak True: Native American Writers Journey Back
06.04.02 Things, Foods, and How We Know

American Indian Movement
21.01.07 AIM and Native American political activism in the 20th century
16.01.02 Interpreting Moments of American Indian Activism

24.01.06 Landscape Keeps Score: Empire, Waste, Deep Time, and Art

Indian Schools
24.02.04 The Why and How of Reading: Literacy Skills from Primary Sources

in Literature
18.03.04 Stories Told through Literature, Film and How It Applies to Our Society
16.01.01 Dreaming from the Margins, Living in the In-Between: Identity, Culture, and the Power of Voice
07.02.08 More Than Just Whodunit - Using a Mystery Story to Motivate Tenth-Grade Students to Read
06.03.07 From Aztecs to Aztlan: Building Cultural Bridges through Literature
06.04.07 Noble Savage: Depictions of Native Americans Throughout U.S. History

24.03.01 Poetry Through Hózhó: The Beauty Way of Life
18.03.05 Native American Literature Adaptation: From Smoke Signals to Reading Comprehension
17.02.02 Identity of Past and Present Diné
17.02.10 Shi - Child of the Holy People
16.01.01 Dreaming from the Margins, Living in the In-Between: Identity, Culture, and the Power of Voice
16.01.03 First and Second Wave Native American Literature
16.01.04 Rewriting the Narrative of American History: American Indian Identity and the Process of Recovery
16.01.10 Code-Switching: From Indian Boarding Schools to Urban Classrooms
16.03.09 Journey to the Sun: Reclaiming Imagination and Self-Esteem through Culture and History
13.03.10 The Significance of My Great-Grandparent
11.04.03 The Intangible Heritage of Diné

15.04.09 The Authenticity of Native American Indian Character and Culture in Book and Film
06.04.09 Native American Music and Dance

Leni Lenape
07.02.08 More Than Just Whodunit - Using a Mystery Story to Motivate Tenth-Grade Students to Read

18.02.08 Ekphrastic Poetry: Connecting with the Original Language and Culture Through Poetry
18.03.04 Stories Told through Literature, Film and How It Applies to Our Society
18.03.05 Native American Literature Adaptation: From Smoke Signals to Reading Comprehension
17.01.06 Bringing Indigenous Stories to the Classroom through Art and Comics
17.02.02 Identity of Past and Present Diné
16.01.01 Dreaming from the Margins, Living in the In-Between: Identity, Culture, and the Power of Voice
16.01.03 First and Second Wave Native American Literature
15.04.09 The Authenticity of Native American Indian Character and Culture in Book and Film
14.02.08 Using Poetry Songs to Teach Fluency Using Literature about Navajo Culture in an ELL Classroom
13.02.05 Real American: Making Literature a Means for Displacing Native American Stereotypes
07.02.08 More Than Just Whodunit - Using a Mystery Story to Motivate Tenth-Grade Students to Read
06.04.01 Let Our Things Speak True: Native American Writers Journey Back
06.04.04 The Circle of Life
06.04.08 Mythology of the Inca and Maya
06.04.11 The Popol Vuh: A High School Literature Unit

Mardi Gras
11.04.12 Feathers and Beads: Exploring Heritage through the Mardi Gras Indians

06.04.08 Mythology of the Inca and Maya
06.04.11 The Popol Vuh: A High School Literature Unit

16.01.08 The Menominee Journey to Self Determination

23.02.06 Self-Identity through Nature and Magic
23.02.07 Through the Eyes of a Navajo: Nature Writing
15.02.02 Tragedies and Plots Shaped by Characters of Shakespeare and Navajo Oral Myths
14.01.04 Anasazi Images on Navajo Land
06.04.08 Mythology of the Inca and Maya
06.04.11 The Popol Vuh: A High School Literature Unit

Navajo (see Diné Nation (Navajo); Native Americans->Diné Nation)

05.02.02 The Ceramic History of the Olmec Culture

18.03.04 Stories Told through Literature, Film and How It Applies to Our Society
11.01.10 Taking a Role in History: Reading Biography with Empathy

21.01.07 AIM and Native American political activism in the 20th century

06.04.03 Native American Art Traditions in the Middle School Arts Curriculum

13.04.03 Whence We Stand: A Visual/Geography/History Adventure

06.04.08 Mythology of the Inca and Maya

New Haven, Connecticut
14.02.02 Growing Up Yo in New Haven: Teaching Spanish through Bilingual Slam Poetry
13.04.03 Whence We Stand: A Visual/Geography/History Adventure

Yale University

Art Gallery
14.01.01 Dramatizing Art: Tableaux Vivants
14.01.05 Experiencing the Revolutionary War Era through Visual Images

New Orleans, Louisiana
11.04.09 The Responsibility Is Ours: Preserving Intangible Heritage
11.04.11 'Imaginal' Performances in Memory

11.04.05 Intangible Space and the Map of Desire in the Gage Park Neighborhood
11.04.08 The 1921 Tulsa Race Riot and Its Legacy: Experiencing Place as Text

French New Orleans
11.04.06 La Francophonie, beyond the Hexagon

Hurricane Katrina
11.04.02 Strange Fruit: An Exploration of Imagery and Socio-politics of Post-Katrina New Orleans
11.04.10 New Orleans: Human Gifts, Human Lessons

Nutrition (see Food; Health)
23.05.05 Growing a Sustainable Future
21.03.04 Can They Escape from Hot Cheetos & Takis? Black Appetite, White Food: Examining Issues of Race, Democracy, and Place
21.05.07 More Than Frybread: The Road to Healthy Eating and Physical Fitness
15.01.03 Farming, Food and a Balanced Navajo Lifestyle
11.07.09 Heart Disease, Transplants and New Technology
10.06.05 Nutritional Adaptations and Nutritional Choices
08.06.02 Fast Food, Fast Track… To No Where
08.06.07 Feeding our Bodies, Fueling our Minds
08.06.09 School Lunch, How Healthy Is It?
08.06.10 Childhood Obesity and High Fructose Corn Syrup. What Is It Good For? Absolutely Nothing!
06.04.02 Things, Foods, and How We Know