Index of all Curriculum Units, 2005-2024
Section "H"
Selecting a Unit number will take you to the Guide Entry for that Unit.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Seminar Volumes
Harlem Renaissance, The
21.01.06 Artist in Action: Examining the Activism of James Weldon Johnson and Augusta Savage
17.03.08 America the Beautiful: A Look at Race and Acceptance in America through Poetry
16.02.08 Reading One Another: Fostering Passion and Identity Growth through African-American Literature
14.02.07 Poetry Café: The World of Langston Hughes
10.01.05 Reading Art through Poetry
05.01.02 Thematic Poetry Reading and Writing Workshop
05.01.05 Rhymes and Rhythms of Black History
and Economics
17.06.03 Economics and Community Health - The Wealth-Health Paradigm
and Food (see Food)
24.05.06 Using Algebra to Explore Population Genetics in Lactose Tolerance
23.05.05 Growing a Sustainable Future
21.03.04 Can They Escape from Hot Cheetos & Takis? Black Appetite, White Food: Examining Issues of Race, Democracy, and Place
18.05.03 GMOs: Costs, Benefits, and Controversies
18.05.04 Feeding the World Using Genetically Modified Organisms: A Survey of GMO Technology and its Impact on Agricultural Production
18.05.07 Chemical Footprints: Health Threats of Food Toxins?
17.04.09 Salt and Health – It's not fair!
15.06.01 Diabetes and Navajo Nation
13.06.04 Effects of Genetically Modified Organisms on Agriculture
13.06.06 Controversial Issues Regarding the Consumption of Genetically Modified Crops
12.01.08 Food Choice: How the ingredients on food packaging influence the foods we eat
12.05.04 What Is Going On Inside My Body? An Introduction to the Central Nervous System and the Digestive System
12.07.09 Processed Food for Thought: Exploring Chemical Additives in Processed Foods
11.07.09 Heart Disease, Transplants and New Technology
10.06.05 Nutritional Adaptations and Nutritional Choices
09.07.03 EFP&W: Energy Food-Production & Waste
08.06.01 Eat to live: the connection between food, digestion and diabetes
08.06.02 Fast Food, Fast Track… To No Where
08.06.03 Healthy Choices Lead To Healthy Bodies! A Child's Guide to Good Nutrition and Exercise
08.06.05 Stoichiometry - A Necessary Tool in Chemistry
08.06.07 Feeding our Bodies, Fueling our Minds
08.06.08 The Way Food Works: Analyzing the Short and Long Term Effects of What We Eat
08.06.09 School Lunch, How Healthy Is It?
08.06.10 Childhood Obesity and High Fructose Corn Syrup. What Is It Good For? Absolutely Nothing!
08.06.11 Developing Student Leaders through Nutritional Empowerment
08.07.01 What Is She Eating?
08.07.02 Eat, Drink, and Be Wary: Recognizing Toxic Chemicals in Foods and Beverages
18.05.10 Vaccines and the Outbreak of Nonsense
10.06.01 I Use Sanitizer; Why Do I Still Get Sick?
10.06.07 AIDS in The Teenage Community
08.06.02 Fast Food, Fast Track… To No Where
08.06.03 Healthy Choices Lead To Healthy Bodies! A Child's Guide to Good Nutrition and Exercise
08.06.10 Childhood Obesity and High Fructose Corn Syrup. What Is It Good For? Absolutely Nothing!
08.07.03 Relating Air Quality and Prevalence of Asthma in Children
09.06.07 The Brain Desynchronized
12.06.01 Asking Questions about Learning Disabilities: A Gateway to Self-Determination
Disease (see Disease)
21.05.07 More Than Frybread: The Road to Healthy Eating and Physical Fitness
16.06.02 Genetic Engineering and the Potential Effects on Evolution
15.06.02 Towards an Understanding of Disease Burdens in Developing and Developed Nations
10.06.02 The Impact of Disease on the Civil War
13.06.02 Genetically Engineering Cures for Single Gene Diseases
09.06.09 Brain Structure and Function and Disease
17.06.06 HeLa Cells, Cervical Cancer, and the HPV Vaccine
15.06.03 Effects of Carcinogens on Cells
24.05.04 Exponential Functions in Evolutionary Disease
24.05.07 Evolutionary Medicine: Pathogen (COVID-19, Influenza) and the Navajo People
15.06.01 Diabetes and Navajo Nation
11.07.02 A Recipe for Success: The Semi-sweet Pancreas
11.07.08 Diabetes, the Silent Enemy
08.06.01 Eat to live: the connection between food, digestion and diabetes
Heart Disease
12.05.09 Cardiovascular Medications, Beta-Blockers and their Effect on Cells
11.07.09 Heart Disease, Transplants and New Technology
13.06.02 Genetically Engineering Cures for Single Gene Diseases
11.07.12 Your Liver, Can It Survive Your Abuse?
14.06.07 Making Connections in Science: Viruses and the Immune System
13.06.05 HIV: From Horror to Hope
10.06.07 AIDS in The Teenage Community
13.06.02 Genetically Engineering Cures for Single Gene Diseases
12.05.03 The Down-Low (DL) on High Blood Pressure
11.07.11 Under Pressure! The Circulatory System and Hypertension
17.06.07 Micro Life in a Macro World: Understanding Life at the Microscopic Scale and the Spread of Disease
14.06.01 Microbes Rule the School and the Entire Planet
Kidney Dialysis
11.07.07 Teaching Osmosis and Diffusion through Kidney Dialysis
15.06.07 The Changing Threat of Malaria and the Impact on Global Health
Muscular Dystrophy
17.06.01 Gene Therapy and Muscular Dystrophy: Structure, Function, and Dysfunction of the Muscular System
20.05.02 Strands of One Braided Cord: How Humans Are Impacting Biodiversity Through the Spread of Disease
20.05.08 Viral Viruses: Land-Use Changes and Emerging Infectious Diseases
19.04.02 Acids and Particulate Matter and Mercury, Oh My! An Examination of the Major Impacts of Coal on the Environment
13.06.02 Genetically Engineering Cures for Single Gene Diseases
21.05.04 Math by Design; Creating Innovators in a Post-Pandemic Classroom
18.05.10 Vaccines and the Outbreak of Nonsense
17.06.05 Cure for the Common Cold: Fantasy or Reality?
17.06.06 HeLa Cells, Cervical Cancer, and the HPV Vaccine
17.06.08 Germs Attack!
17.06.05 Cure for the Common Cold: Fantasy or Reality?
17.06.08 Germs Attack!
14.06.02 This Means War! The Battle of Humans and Viruses
14.06.05 Microbes as a Driving Force of Change
12.05.10 Antibacterial Gone Viral – Understanding Immune Response in Bacterial and Viral Infectious Diseases
Evolution of
24.05.01 Evolutionary Medicine: Navajo Nation Kids Learn the History of Evo Med
24.05.02 Staying Healthy in Kindergarten
24.05.07 Evolutionary Medicine: Pathogen (COVID-19, Influenza) and the Navajo People
16.06.02 Genetic Engineering and the Potential Effects on Evolution
10.06.04 Human Health: Correlation, Causation, and Evolution
10.06.08 Survival of the Fittest?—Evolution and Human Health
08.06.03 Healthy Choices Lead To Healthy Bodies! A Child's Guide to Good Nutrition and Exercise
08.06.04 Getting an Early Start to a Healthy Life
08.06.07 Feeding our Bodies, Fueling our Minds
08.07.11 Effects of Plastics on Top Predators' Health
05.02.08 An Approach to Biology, Population Dynamics, and Disease via the Analysis of Mexican Art, History, and Texts
18.05.10 Vaccines and the Outbreak of Nonsense
17.06.03 Economics and Community Health - The Wealth-Health Paradigm
15.06.02 Towards an Understanding of Disease Burdens in Developing and Developed Nations
15.06.03 Effects of Carcinogens on Cells
15.06.04 Genetics and Mechanisms of Disease
15.06.05 Recombinant DNA Technology and Global Health
15.06.07 The Changing Threat of Malaria and the Impact on Global Health
15.06.09 The Role of Hormones in Homeostasis
06.05.02 The Consequences of Global Warming on Human Health
21.02.09 Medical Inequality in America: Henrietta Lacks, the Tuskegee Study, and Covid 19
14.06.06 Microbiome within the Circle of Life
11.05.01 Soap: Clean for the Environment or Just Us?
18.02.03 The Third Space: Ekphrasis, Confessional Poetry, and Mental Health
18.05.08 Exploring CRISPR Gene Drives for Schizophrenia and Superpowers
One Health
23.05.04 On the Border of Life: Bacteriophages and Biodiversity
23.05.05 Growing a Sustainable Future
23.05.07 Mimicking Nature to Create a Classroom Culture
Public Health
24.05.06 Using Algebra to Explore Population Genetics in Lactose Tolerance
21.05.02 Vertical Farming: The Future of Urban Agriculture
21.05.06 The Curb Cut Effect: A Local and Global Citizen Bioengineering Challenge
21.05.07 More Than Frybread: The Road to Healthy Eating and Physical Fitness
20.03.07 Health and Public Policy
20.03.09 What Does a Camel and Vaping Have to Do with Public Policy?
20.04.11 Mask On: Clearing the Air: the Challenges of Indoor Air Pollution on Urban Health and Academic Performance
18.05.10 Vaccines and the Outbreak of Nonsense
17.06.03 Economics and Community Health - The Wealth-Health Paradigm
17.06.04 Water... "Good To The Last Drop"
16.04.07 Náhasdzáán Nílchi Binaadohígíí - Carbon Dioxide
15.06.06 Statistical Methods and Health in Chicago
15.06.08 Every Breath You Take - Air Pollution's Effects on Respiratory Health
12.05.10 Antibacterial Gone Viral – Understanding Immune Response in Bacterial and Viral Infectious Diseases
11.05.05 Survival Chemistry: Using Everyday Things to Create Energy and Drinking Water
10.05.02 Nanotechnology and Clean Water: How Safe Is Our Drinking Water?
10.05.08 Health and the Invisible World
10.06.01 I Use Sanitizer; Why Do I Still Get Sick?
10.06.04 Human Health: Correlation, Causation, and Evolution
09.05.01 How Much Is Too Much? Teaching Measurement and Solution Concentration through Bioaccumulation and Levels of Toxicity
09.05.02 Reducing the Environmental Impact of the Green Industry with Green Chemistry
09.05.06 Using Green to Catalyze the Changing of The World
Air Pollution
20.04.11 Mask On: Clearing the Air: the Challenges of Indoor Air Pollution on Urban Health and Academic Performance
19.04.02 Acids and Particulate Matter and Mercury, Oh My! An Examination of the Major Impacts of Coal on the Environment
16.04.07 Náhasdzáán Nílchi Binaadohígíí - Carbon Dioxide
15.06.08 Every Breath You Take - Air Pollution's Effects on Respiratory Health
12.07.05 Math Facts of Natural Gas & Pollution
08.07.09 The Effect of Vehicular Emissions on Human Health
14.06.03 The Magic of Microbes May Save Our Lives!
10.06.03 The Human Impact on the Environment and the Effects on Asthma and Allergies
Cystic Fibrosis
15.06.04 Genetics and Mechanisms of Disease
13.06.02 Genetically Engineering Cures for Single Gene Diseases
12.07.04 Energy, Environment and Health Electromagnetic Fields: Are They Buzzing You?
08.07.09 The Effect of Vehicular Emissions on Human Health
05.03.04 Science, Safety, and Civil Liberties
15.06.06 Statistical Methods and Health in Chicago
12.07.10 School Redesign with Environmental Health in Mind
17.06.04 Water... "Good To The Last Drop"
08.03.06 Bryce Courtenay's The Power of One: An Examination of Democratic and Other Political Values as Depicted in Literature
African Americans
24.02.06 Freedom Dreaming: Critical Thought Through Imagination
20.01.03 “Faces in the Frame: More than a Narrative”-The Lives that Frame the True History of the United States through Primary Sources
20.01.04 American Heritage: Unmasked, Unpacked & Uncloaked
18.02.10 The Spirit Task: African Americans Reclaim Power through Art and Poetry
16.01.06 Relationships of African Americans and Creeks in Oklahoma to 1936
12.04.11 The Heart's Migration: Finding, Making, Coming Home
08.03.04 Our Spiritual Strivings: Understanding African American Identities in a Conflicted American Democracy
Black Lives Matter Movement
21.01.08 John Lewis: Examining the Past to Inform Understandings of the Present
Black Power Movement
22.03.02 "Do you see me?" "I see you."—Identity and Activism in Black Art
22.03.04 Art as Advocacy: Explorations into Literary and Visual Art to Provoke Change
16.03.06 Seeking a Home: The Wiz and the Black Arts Movement
12.04.10 Putting Both Fists in the Air: The Addition of Women's Voices to the Black Power Era, 1960s-70s
Carver, George Washington
17.04.10 Confectionery Chemistry: Shifting the Contents of Chocolate
10.03.01 American Biographies: Lives Transformed by Literacy
Civil Rights Movement (see Civil Rights)
21.01.01 Rosa Parks: A Civil Rights Hero
21.01.08 John Lewis: Examining the Past to Inform Understandings of the Present
21.02.05 American Intersections: How Race, Class, and Gender Shape our History and Lives
20.01.01 Emmett Till: A Historical Inquiry
20.03.05 The Supreme Court: Allowing and Constraining Constitutional Change
20.03.10 Nothing Without Us: Bringing Justice to Public Policy
19.03.10 Chasing the Dream: The Civil Rights Movement and Desire for American Equality
17.01.10 Minds in the Gutters and Bleeding on the Page: Literacy and Civil Rights History through the MARCH Comics Trilogy
16.02.08 Reading One Another: Fostering Passion and Identity Growth through African-American Literature
15.01.07 Jim Crow, Civil Rights, and the Integration of Schools
12.01.01 War on the Home Front: Politics and the Zoot Suit
12.04.08 True Citizenship: A Question of Race
12.04.10 Putting Both Fists in the Air: The Addition of Women's Voices to the Black Power Era, 1960s-70s
10.02.09 Barack Obama's Rhetoric: The Trajectory of a Post-Racial America?
09.02.03 Turning Hope into Reality
09.02.04 The Great African/African-American Intellectual Tradition for Liberation: Resistance Past, Present and Beyond
09.02.06 Civil Rights: Massive Assistance Resuscitated
06.02.01 The Language of Justice
06.02.04 Justice in Action: Reactions to Brown v. Board of Education
06.02.05 Obedience and Defiance: The Rule of Law in American History
Douglass, Frederick
21.01.03 Remembering the Civil War: A Primary Source Comparative Study of Rhetoric and Author Purpose
20.01.06 Rhetorical Inquiry Through the Lives of Douglass and Truth
16.02.05 Frederick Douglass and Harriett Beecher Stowe: Two Sides to the Abolitionist Narrative
10.03.01 American Biographies: Lives Transformed by Literacy
09.02.04 The Great African/African-American Intellectual Tradition for Liberation: Resistance Past, Present and Beyond
08.02.03 The Role of Rhetoric in the Abolition Movement: A Study of Voice and Power in Narrative, Speech, and Letters
Eckford, Elizabeth
13.03.07 A picture is worth a thousand words: Rediscovering biography
14.01.02 American Genre Painting: Visual Representations of Slavery and Emancipation, 1850-1870
07.03.01 The Underground Railroad and the Geography of Freedom: Using Slave Narratives and Negro Spirituals as Maps
05.03.09 Free, but Not Free: Civil Liberties in a Time of War
Great Migration
23.01.09 Illuminating Gem of the Ocean with Art Representing African Diaspora
21.01.09 Literary and Historical Reading with Langston Hughes
16.02.08 Reading One Another: Fostering Passion and Identity Growth through African-American Literature
07.01.09 Using Film and Literature to examine The Great black Migration: An Analysis of "A Raisin in the Sun" through poetic voices
07.02.06 Crime Fiction Investigation: "Socially Correct or Not, Let Me Tell You Who Did It"
07.03.09 Mapping the Great Migration 1916-1930: African American Movement from the South to the North
Harlem Renaissance
21.01.09 Literary and Historical Reading with Langston Hughes
17.03.08 America the Beautiful: A Look at Race and Acceptance in America through Poetry
16.02.08 Reading One Another: Fostering Passion and Identity Growth through African-American Literature
14.02.07 Poetry Café: The World of Langston Hughes
10.01.05 Reading Art through Poetry
05.01.02 Thematic Poetry Reading and Writing Workshop
05.01.05 Rhymes and Rhythms of Black History
24.02.02 Reading in the Dark: Freedom of the Mind and Body
24.02.04 The Why and How of Reading: Literacy Skills from Primary Sources
24.02.05 Through the Labor of Literacy
in Literature
16.02.08 Reading One Another: Fostering Passion and Identity Growth through African-American Literature
07.01.06 The Color Purple's Three-Fold Adaptation: Examining Protagonists and Media through a Self-Reflective, Critical Lens
07.02.06 Crime Fiction Investigation: "Socially Correct or Not, Let Me Tell You Who Did It"
Poetry (see Poetry)
12.04.10 Putting Both Fists in the Air: The Addition of Women's Voices to the Black Power Era, 1960s-70s
08.02.04 Speak Words, Recite Messages: The Oral Interpretation of the Word
05.01.05 Rhymes and Rhythms of Black History
05.01.08 Crime and Poetry: Examining Crimes Against Humanity Through the Poetry of the Oppressed, Specifically Poetry from the African American Experience Through the Jim Crow Era, and The Holocaust
Politics (see Politics)
12.04.01 An Introduction to African American Participation in Citizenship
Slavery and Reconstruction
23.01.03 Using art to interpret The Mary Prince- Narrative of a Slave Woman
20.01.05 In Their Own Words? - Using The WPA Slave Narratives in the Classroom
20.01.06 Rhetorical Inquiry Through the Lives of Douglass and Truth
20.03.05 The Supreme Court: Allowing and Constraining Constitutional Change
19.03.02 The Right to Vote: Empowerment and Civic Engagement in our Democracy
18.01.09 13th and Locking Up Our Own: Argument, Voice, and Perspective in Two Modern Meditations on Mass Incarceration
14.01.02 American Genre Painting: Visual Representations of Slavery and Emancipation, 1850-1870
14.01.09 Pain to Pride: A Visual Journey of African American Life in 19th Century Richmond, VA
12.04.03 For Colored Folks Only: The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow Laws
09.02.01 Competing Paths of Struggle: African American Resistance to White Oppression, 1863-1896
09.02.06 Civil Rights: Massive Assistance Resuscitated
08.02.03 The Role of Rhetoric in the Abolition Movement: A Study of Voice and Power in Narrative, Speech, and Letters
07.03.01 The Underground Railroad and the Geography of Freedom: Using Slave Narratives and Negro Spirituals as Maps
06.01.09 From Africa to America: The Untold Story
05.03.13 Arthur Miller's History Lesson: The Crucible as a Link from the Past through McCarthyism to Present-Day Terrorism
Washington, Booker T.
16.02.03 Connecting it All: How Connecting Students to a Text Increases Motivation to Read
05.03.08 Postmodernism and the Flexibility of the Constitution
17th Century
23.01.02 Using Objects and Artifacts to Understand The Crucible
23.01.05 Colours of Humanity: Artistic representations of the "Other"
18.03.04 Stories Told through Literature, Film and How It Applies to Our Society
12.05.08 Medicines between Two Worlds
10.06.06 Teaching Principles of Evolutionary Medicine through a Historical Lens
05.03.13 Arthur Miller's History Lesson: The Crucible as a Link from the Past through McCarthyism to Present-Day Terrorism
18th Century
18.01.04 The American Dream,
16.01.07 Agents of Change: How American Indians Helped Change the World in Only Seven Years
16.03.07 Dreaming on Imaginary Stages and Writing Imaginative Scripts: The Magical "If" Fulfilled, in "Hamilton"
15.01.10 Words of Patriotism: The Pledge of Allegiance
14.01.05 Experiencing the Revolutionary War Era through Visual Images
14.01.08 Perspectives on Life during the Revolutionary War through the Lens of Art and Literature
14.01.12 Reading Art in Language Arts: Characterizing Human Atrocities from the Slave Trade to the Second World War
12.03.06 The First Twenty Years: Whiskey, Aliens… and Shopping!
11.03.02 American Ideas in Three Artist Collectives
11.03.07 American Tapestry: Interconnectedness Revealed through Historical Fiction
08.03.04 Our Spiritual Strivings: Understanding African American Identities in a Conflicted American Democracy
05.03.08 Postmodernism and the Flexibility of the Constitution
19th Century
20.01.06 Rhetorical Inquiry Through the Lives of Douglass and Truth
19.03.02 The Right to Vote: Empowerment and Civic Engagement in our Democracy
16.01.05 The Constitutional Crisis of Indian Removal
16.02.03 Connecting it All: How Connecting Students to a Text Increases Motivation to Read
16.02.05 Frederick Douglass and Harriett Beecher Stowe: Two Sides to the Abolitionist Narrative
15.01.07 Jim Crow, Civil Rights, and the Integration of Schools
14.01.02 American Genre Painting: Visual Representations of Slavery and Emancipation, 1850-1870
14.01.03 Whose Destiny? Viewing America's Westward Expansion through Artful Eyes
14.01.06 Power and the Machine: A Visual Examination of Class and Gender through the Industrial Revolution
14.01.09 Pain to Pride: A Visual Journey of African American Life in 19th Century Richmond, VA
14.01.12 Reading Art in Language Arts: Characterizing Human Atrocities from the Slave Trade to the Second World War
14.03.06 Understanding San Francisco Bay Area Immigration Through an Exploration of Laws and Images
14.04.10 Eloquence and Authenticity: Who Are You and Why Should I Listen To You?
13.02.04 Teaching Post-Civil War History in Document-Based Fiction
12.03.05 Could YOU be President?: Explaining and Exploring Presidential Possibility through Autobiography
12.03.06 The First Twenty Years: Whiskey, Aliens… and Shopping!
12.04.01 An Introduction to African American Participation in Citizenship
12.04.03 For Colored Folks Only: The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow Laws
11.03.07 American Tapestry: Interconnectedness Revealed through Historical Fiction
11.03.08 An Opportunity for All? Andrew Jackson and the American Indian
11.04.06 La Francophonie, beyond the Hexagon
10.02.09 Barack Obama's Rhetoric: The Trajectory of a Post-Racial America?
10.06.02 The Impact of Disease on the Civil War
09.02.01 Competing Paths of Struggle: African American Resistance to White Oppression, 1863-1896
09.02.06 Civil Rights: Massive Assistance Resuscitated
09.02.08 Setbacks to Suffrage: Inquiry into the Process
08.02.03 The Role of Rhetoric in the Abolition Movement: A Study of Voice and Power in Narrative, Speech, and Letters
08.03.03 The Elections of 1800 and 2000. How Crisis Elections Have Shaped the Practice of Democracy in United States History
08.03.04 Our Spiritual Strivings: Understanding African American Identities in a Conflicted American Democracy
07.01.06 The Color Purple's Three-Fold Adaptation: Examining Protagonists and Media through a Self-Reflective, Critical Lens
07.03.01 The Underground Railroad and the Geography of Freedom: Using Slave Narratives and Negro Spirituals as Maps
07.03.06 The Rhetoric of Maps and the Westward Expansion of the United States
06.02.06 Chinese Immigration, Exclusion and the Chinese-American Experience
06.04.07 Noble Savage: Depictions of Native Americans Throughout U.S. History
05.03.09 Free, but Not Free: Civil Liberties in a Time of War
05.03.10 Precedents for the USA PATRIOT Act: Military Tribunals
05.03.11 A Long Road to Liberty
Gilded Age
21.01.02 Who Built the American Economy? How Labor Unions Shaped the Early Labor Movement
20th Century
22.02.02 Public Diplomacy and Consumerism During the Early Cold War
21.01.01 Rosa Parks: A Civil Rights Hero
21.01.08 John Lewis: Examining the Past to Inform Understandings of the Present
21.01.10 From Handmaids to Riot Grrrls, using Fiction to Understand Social Movements
21.03.02 The New Brown v. Board of Education in Today's School Segregation
20.01.01 Emmett Till: A Historical Inquiry
20.02.01 Mexican-American Labor in California through Art Literacy
20.02.02 Who is in Charge Here?: Examining (in)visibility and Cultural Context of Jim Crow Era Monuments in Elementary Art Education
20.03.05 The Supreme Court: Allowing and Constraining Constitutional Change
19.03.09 The Different Shades of the Yellow Bus
19.03.11 A City Divided: Housing Segregation in Chicago and Beyond
18.01.05 From Mass Incarceration to Reform: An Analysis of Crime Policy Nationally and in the City of Brotherly Love
17.01.10 Minds in the Gutters and Bleeding on the Page: Literacy and Civil Rights History through the MARCH Comics Trilogy
17.02.05 Uncovering Individuality in a Scripted World
17.03.05 Poetry of Defiance-From the Progressive Era to Today
16.01.03 First and Second Wave Native American Literature
16.01.06 Relationships of African Americans and Creeks in Oklahoma to 1936
15.01.01 Wandering Through the Bad Times: Children Making Their Way Through the Great Depression
15.01.07 Jim Crow, Civil Rights, and the Integration of Schools
15.01.09 Revisiting Race and Riot: Exploring Tulsa's Conflicts in Fiction, Nonfiction, and Image
15.03.05 A Public History of Public Housing: Richmond, Virginia
15.03.08 Ripple Effect: How Major Events Effect Everyone
15.03.09 The History and Analysis of Public Art: Using Delaware's Desegregation History as a Ground to Learn, Interpret, and Create
15.04.03 Film, Freud and Fitzgerald: A Psychoanalytical Critique of The Great Gatsby and Jazz Age Values
14.01.12 Reading Art in Language Arts: Characterizing Human Atrocities from the Slave Trade to the Second World War
14.03.02 Neighborhood as Palimpsest: An Examination of Chicago's Back of the Yards Neighborhood Through Urban Historical Geography
14.03.06 Understanding San Francisco Bay Area Immigration Through an Exploration of Laws and Images
14.04.09 Rhetoric in My World: Engaging Students in Rhetorical Analysis through Political Speechwriting
14.06.06 Microbiome within the Circle of Life
13.03.07 A picture is worth a thousand words: Rediscovering biography
13.04.02 Paseo Boricua: Discovering Our Own Division
13.06.05 HIV: From Horror to Hope
12.01.01 War on the Home Front: Politics and the Zoot Suit
12.03.03 The Women's Movement in Presidential Rhetoric
12.03.05 Could YOU be President?: Explaining and Exploring Presidential Possibility through Autobiography
12.03.08 The American President and War Powers: Combatting views
12.04.05 From Three Rivers to Arlington: Mexican American Civil Rights to 1954
12.04.09 The Resiliency of the Black Family
12.04.10 Putting Both Fists in the Air: The Addition of Women's Voices to the Black Power Era, 1960s-70s
11.03.10 The Declaration of Independence: Still Inspiring Americans to Fight for Freedom!
11.04.08 The 1921 Tulsa Race Riot and Its Legacy: Experiencing Place as Text
10.02.05 Speak up! Presidential Rhetoric in the Modern Era
10.02.07 Educating Tomorrow's Orators
10.02.09 Barack Obama's Rhetoric: The Trajectory of a Post-Racial America?
09.02.03 Turning Hope into Reality
09.02.04 The Great African/African-American Intellectual Tradition for Liberation: Resistance Past, Present and Beyond
09.02.06 Civil Rights: Massive Assistance Resuscitated
09.02.07 That's My Right, too: Punishment for Being Different
09.02.08 Setbacks to Suffrage: Inquiry into the Process
08.03.04 Our Spiritual Strivings: Understanding African American Identities in a Conflicted American Democracy
08.07.05 Considering Case Studies of Chemical Contamination
07.01.05 War of the Worlds-Multimedia Adaptations
07.01.09 Using Film and Literature to examine The Great black Migration: An Analysis of "A Raisin in the Sun" through poetic voices
07.03.09 Mapping the Great Migration 1916-1930: African American Movement from the South to the North
07.07.07 The Science and Technology of the Apollo Space Program
06.02.04 Justice in Action: Reactions to Brown v. Board of Education
05.03.10 Precedents for the USA PATRIOT Act: Military Tribunals
Civil Rights Act of 1964
19.03.01 Fight the Power: Teaching Research Skills Through The Study of American Protest Movements
06.02.05 Obedience and Defiance: The Rule of Law in American History
Voting Rights Act of 1965
20.03.10 Nothing Without Us: Bringing Justice to Public Policy
19.03.01 Fight the Power: Teaching Research Skills Through The Study of American Protest Movements
19.03.10 Chasing the Dream: The Civil Rights Movement and Desire for American Equality
06.02.05 Obedience and Defiance: The Rule of Law in American History
21st Century
21.03.08 Jim Crow 2.0: Voter Suppression in the 21st Century
20.03.01 It's the Economy, Stupid: Lessons in Economics, Banking, and Personal Finance from the Financial Crisis of 2008
18.01.01 Decriminalizing Education
12.03.05 Could YOU be President?: Explaining and Exploring Presidential Possibility through Autobiography
12.03.08 The American President and War Powers: Combatting views
11.04.02 Strange Fruit: An Exploration of Imagery and Socio-politics of Post-Katrina New Orleans
09.02.03 Turning Hope into Reality
08.03.01 Road to the White House: Campaign for the Presidency
08.03.02 I'll Vote for That, but Why? The United States Constitution and Presidential Elections
08.03.03 The Elections of 1800 and 2000. How Crisis Elections Have Shaped the Practice of Democracy in United States History
08.03.07 Why Rome Fell and Is the United States Next?
05.03.10 Precedents for the USA PATRIOT Act: Military Tribunals
24.02.08 Self-Evident and Self-Contradictory: Black Readings of the Declaration of Independence
20.01.06 Rhetorical Inquiry Through the Lives of Douglass and Truth
16.02.05 Frederick Douglass and Harriett Beecher Stowe: Two Sides to the Abolitionist Narrative
Adams, John
12.03.06 The First Twenty Years: Whiskey, Aliens… and Shopping!
AIDS Crisis
13.06.05 HIV: From Horror to Hope
Alien and Sedition Acts
12.03.06 The First Twenty Years: Whiskey, Aliens… and Shopping!
American Revolution
24.02.08 Self-Evident and Self-Contradictory: Black Readings of the Declaration of Independence
18.01.04 The American Dream,
17.01.08 An American Myth: How Pictures and Texts Have Changed the Narrative of the American Revolution
17.03.06 Poetry in Notion: The Hartford Wits and the Emergence of an American Identity
14.01.05 Experiencing the Revolutionary War Era through Visual Images
14.01.08 Perspectives on Life during the Revolutionary War through the Lens of Art and Literature
14.01.11 Civil Disobedience in Words and Images
14.01.12 Reading Art in Language Arts: Characterizing Human Atrocities from the Slave Trade to the Second World War
13.01.06 Picturing a Different America: "Reading" Images, Reading Strategies, and Historical Contradiction — Without "Frontloading"?
13.03.05 Inspire, Reach, and Teach Through Biography
12.03.06 The First Twenty Years: Whiskey, Aliens… and Shopping!
08.03.04 Our Spiritual Strivings: Understanding African American Identities in a Conflicted American Democracy
08.03.09 Taxes, Rebellion, and the Birth of a New Nation
06.02.05 Obedience and Defiance: The Rule of Law in American History
Bush, George W.
10.02.05 Speak up! Presidential Rhetoric in the Modern Era
Carter, James
10.02.05 Speak up! Presidential Rhetoric in the Modern Era
Chavez, Cesar
11.03.10 The Declaration of Independence: Still Inspiring Americans to Fight for Freedom!
12.02.04 Hungry for Knowledge: Using The Hunger Games to teach American Principles of Citizenship
12.04.01 An Introduction to African American Participation in Citizenship
12.04.06 Why do you want my children? A Glimpse into Native American Citizenship
12.04.08 True Citizenship: A Question of Race
09.02.05 Analysis of the Obama Election: Will It Bring Rights and Representation for Minorities?
Civil Rights Movement (see Civil Rights)
20.01.01 Emmett Till: A Historical Inquiry
20.03.10 Nothing Without Us: Bringing Justice to Public Policy
19.03.01 Fight the Power: Teaching Research Skills Through The Study of American Protest Movements
19.03.10 Chasing the Dream: The Civil Rights Movement and Desire for American Equality
18.01.09 13th and Locking Up Our Own: Argument, Voice, and Perspective in Two Modern Meditations on Mass Incarceration
17.01.10 Minds in the Gutters and Bleeding on the Page: Literacy and Civil Rights History through the MARCH Comics Trilogy
15.01.07 Jim Crow, Civil Rights, and the Integration of Schools
14.01.11 Civil Disobedience in Words and Images
13.04.02 Paseo Boricua: Discovering Our Own Division
12.01.01 War on the Home Front: Politics and the Zoot Suit
12.04.03 For Colored Folks Only: The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow Laws
12.04.05 From Three Rivers to Arlington: Mexican American Civil Rights to 1954
12.04.08 True Citizenship: A Question of Race
12.04.10 Putting Both Fists in the Air: The Addition of Women's Voices to the Black Power Era, 1960s-70s
10.02.09 Barack Obama's Rhetoric: The Trajectory of a Post-Racial America?
09.02.03 Turning Hope into Reality
09.02.04 The Great African/African-American Intellectual Tradition for Liberation: Resistance Past, Present and Beyond
09.02.06 Civil Rights: Massive Assistance Resuscitated
06.02.01 The Language of Justice
06.02.04 Justice in Action: Reactions to Brown v. Board of Education
06.02.05 Obedience and Defiance: The Rule of Law in American History
Civil War
21.01.03 Remembering the Civil War: A Primary Source Comparative Study of Rhetoric and Author Purpose
21.02.05 American Intersections: How Race, Class, and Gender Shape our History and Lives
19.03.02 The Right to Vote: Empowerment and Civic Engagement in our Democracy
15.03.01 Richmond's Divisive Monuments: A Look into One City's Debate over Public Art, Memory, and History
14.01.02 American Genre Painting: Visual Representations of Slavery and Emancipation, 1850-1870
12.04.01 An Introduction to African American Participation in Citizenship
10.06.02 The Impact of Disease on the Civil War
05.03.08 Postmodernism and the Flexibility of the Constitution
05.03.09 Free, but Not Free: Civil Liberties in a Time of War
05.03.10 Precedents for the USA PATRIOT Act: Military Tribunals
Clinton, Bill
12.03.05 Could YOU be President?: Explaining and Exploring Presidential Possibility through Autobiography
10.02.05 Speak up! Presidential Rhetoric in the Modern Era
Cold War
22.02.02 Public Diplomacy and Consumerism During the Early Cold War
05.03.12 Dilemma of a Democracy: Liberty and Security
23.01.06 Clothing and Identity in Early America: Black Women and AmerIndian Men
21.02.05 American Intersections: How Race, Class, and Gender Shape our History and Lives
12.05.08 Medicines between Two Worlds
New England
13.04.03 Whence We Stand: A Visual/Geography/History Adventure
05.03.13 Arthur Miller's History Lesson: The Crucible as a Link from the Past through McCarthyism to Present-Day Terrorism
18.03.04 Stories Told through Literature, Film and How It Applies to Our Society
10.06.06 Teaching Principles of Evolutionary Medicine through a Historical Lens
21.03.05 Breaking Barriers: The Fight for Gender Equality, Equal Pay and Civil Rights
20.01.04 American Heritage: Unmasked, Unpacked & Uncloaked
20.03.05 The Supreme Court: Allowing and Constraining Constitutional Change
19.02.05 Who Watches the Watchmen? How Police Militarization Has Subverted the Constitution
19.03.03 Understanding Democracy in the Elementary Grades
16.01.05 The Constitutional Crisis of Indian Removal
15.01.10 Words of Patriotism: The Pledge of Allegiance
13.02.04 Teaching Post-Civil War History in Document-Based Fiction
12.03.01 I think, therefore I do? Conscious and unconscious factors influencing our choice for President of the United States
12.03.04 What the Founders could not have Known
12.03.06 The First Twenty Years: Whiskey, Aliens… and Shopping!
12.03.07 Behind the Scenes of the Constitutional Convention
12.03.09 Judges, Presidents, and the People: Who Should Interpret the Constitution?
12.04.01 An Introduction to African American Participation in Citizenship
11.03.03 My Fellow Americans…A Trip through American History via Presidential Inaugural Addresses
11.03.05 Reviving American Ideas: The U.S. Constitution, the Anti-Federalists and the 28th Amendment
10.02.05 Speak up! Presidential Rhetoric in the Modern Era
09.02.05 Analysis of the Obama Election: Will It Bring Rights and Representation for Minorities?
09.02.08 Setbacks to Suffrage: Inquiry into the Process
08.03.02 I'll Vote for That, but Why? The United States Constitution and Presidential Elections
08.03.04 Our Spiritual Strivings: Understanding African American Identities in a Conflicted American Democracy
05.03.08 Postmodernism and the Flexibility of the Constitution
Declaration of Independence
24.02.08 Self-Evident and Self-Contradictory: Black Readings of the Declaration of Independence
21.03.02 The New Brown v. Board of Education in Today's School Segregation
20.01.04 American Heritage: Unmasked, Unpacked & Uncloaked
19.02.05 Who Watches the Watchmen? How Police Militarization Has Subverted the Constitution
18.01.04 The American Dream,
14.01.05 Experiencing the Revolutionary War Era through Visual Images
12.03.04 What the Founders could not have Known
11.03.02 American Ideas in Three Artist Collectives
11.03.03 My Fellow Americans…A Trip through American History via Presidential Inaugural Addresses
11.03.05 Reviving American Ideas: The U.S. Constitution, the Anti-Federalists and the 28th Amendment
11.03.10 The Declaration of Independence: Still Inspiring Americans to Fight for Freedom!
09.02.05 Analysis of the Obama Election: Will It Bring Rights and Representation for Minorities?
08.03.04 Our Spiritual Strivings: Understanding African American Identities in a Conflicted American Democracy
Democracy (see Democracy)
21.03.07 Cause and Effect: Inequality and Activism
19.03.03 Understanding Democracy in the Elementary Grades
12.03.01 I think, therefore I do? Conscious and unconscious factors influencing our choice for President of the United States
05.03.12 Dilemma of a Democracy: Liberty and Security
22.02.02 Public Diplomacy and Consumerism During the Early Cold War
16.01.07 Agents of Change: How American Indians Helped Change the World in Only Seven Years
15.01.08 Biographies and Autobiographies: Portraits of Peace Builders
12.03.08 The American President and War Powers: Combatting views
Disability Rights Movement
13.04.06 People with Disabilities: An Invisible Community
Early Republic
17.03.06 Poetry in Notion: The Hartford Wits and the Emergence of an American Identity
12.03.06 The First Twenty Years: Whiskey, Aliens… and Shopping!
19.02.08 Learning the System to Overcome the System: Juvenile Justice for High School Students
18.01.04 The American Dream,
18.01.08 Understanding the System: A History of Prison and the Virginia Juvenile Justice System
08.03.03 The Elections of 1800 and 2000. How Crisis Elections Have Shaped the Practice of Democracy in United States History
12.03.04 What the Founders could not have Known
12.03.04 What the Founders could not have Known
08.03.03 The Elections of 1800 and 2000. How Crisis Elections Have Shaped the Practice of Democracy in United States History
21.01.04 Mobilizing Change: Lessons Learned from Obama's 2008 Campaign
12.03.04 What the Founders could not have Known
09.02.05 Analysis of the Obama Election: Will It Bring Rights and Representation for Minorities?
08.03.01 Road to the White House: Campaign for the Presidency
Equal Rights Amendment
21.03.05 Breaking Barriers: The Fight for Gender Equality, Equal Pay and Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
22.02.03 Imperial Dilemma – Great Society versus Vietnam in the 1960s
11.03.04 Exporting the Idea of America
Franklin, Benjamin
10.03.01 American Biographies: Lives Transformed by Literacy
Gay and Lesbian
13.06.05 HIV: From Horror to Hope
09.02.07 That's My Right, too: Punishment for Being Different
11.02.03 The American Sonnet: Barometer of Change in American History
10.03.01 American Biographies: Lives Transformed by Literacy
06.02.05 Obedience and Defiance: The Rule of Law in American History
Global Influence
11.03.04 Exporting the Idea of America
Gold Rush
24.01.07 Extraction of Profits in the Gold Rush: Chinese Miners and California Ecology
Great Depression
15.01.01 Wandering Through the Bad Times: Children Making Their Way Through the Great Depression
12.04.05 From Three Rivers to Arlington: Mexican American Civil Rights to 1954
Great Recession
20.03.01 It's the Economy, Stupid: Lessons in Economics, Banking, and Personal Finance from the Financial Crisis of 2008
Great Society
22.02.03 Imperial Dilemma – Great Society versus Vietnam in the 1960s
Hamilton, Alexander
16.03.07 Dreaming on Imaginary Stages and Writing Imaginative Scripts: The Magical "If" Fulfilled, in "Hamilton"
History of Medicine
21.02.09 Medical Inequality in America: Henrietta Lacks, the Tuskegee Study, and Covid 19
Immigration (see Immigration)
24.01.07 Extraction of Profits in the Gold Rush: Chinese Miners and California Ecology
21.02.04 A Nation of Dreamers: Examining American Immigration and Race through Esperanza Rising
20.01.08 “Boxing” Asian American History
20.02.01 Mexican-American Labor in California through Art Literacy
19.03.05 Current Refugee and Immigrant Policy in the United States: How Do They Impact Your Community?
18.01.03 The Intersection of Crime and Immigration
14.03.03 Tug-of-War: Mexican Immigration to the United States
14.03.04 The Cultural Move: Impact of Mexican Migration on today's American Food
14.03.06 Understanding San Francisco Bay Area Immigration Through an Exploration of Laws and Images
14.03.07 The Settled and the Unsettled, Then and Now: Rites of Passage in Urban Life and Narrative
13.04.03 Whence We Stand: A Visual/Geography/History Adventure
12.04.05 From Three Rivers to Arlington: Mexican American Civil Rights to 1954
11.03.09 The Hip-Hopcracy of America
09.01.01 Using Stories and Film in the English Language Learner Classroom to Teach Immigration History
07.04.02 Examining Mexican Immigration Thru First Person Point-of-view
07.04.06 La voz y la vida: Literacy and Identity in Young Latino Immigrant Students
06.02.06 Chinese Immigration, Exclusion and the Chinese-American Experience
22.02.01 Let's Go Bananas! U.S. Imperialism Through the Lens of a Fruit
22.02.04 Creating Filipino Nationality: Race and Hierarchy in the Context of Empire (1886-1916)
22.02.05 American Imperialism in Latin America: Territory Expansion, Trade, and Immigration
22.02.06 Immigration narratives: Hidden Links between U.S. empire and Filipino immigration to the U.S.
Indian Removal
16.01.05 The Constitutional Crisis of Indian Removal
Industrial Revolution
24.01.02 The Land & The People: Ecocritical Art Analysis of Industrialization
14.01.06 Power and the Machine: A Visual Examination of Class and Gender through the Industrial Revolution
Jackson, Andrew
11.03.08 An Opportunity for All? Andrew Jackson and the American Indian
Jefferson, Thomas
12.03.06 The First Twenty Years: Whiskey, Aliens… and Shopping!
11.03.03 My Fellow Americans…A Trip through American History via Presidential Inaugural Addresses
Jim Crow
23.01.09 Illuminating Gem of the Ocean with Art Representing African Diaspora
23.01.10 This is America: Images and Histories of Racism and Exploitation
23.01.11 Perspectives on Race: Slavery and its Legacies in Art
21.02.02 Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry: Historical Context through a Critical Lens
21.03.08 Jim Crow 2.0: Voter Suppression in the 21st Century
20.01.01 Emmett Till: A Historical Inquiry
19.03.02 The Right to Vote: Empowerment and Civic Engagement in our Democracy
15.01.07 Jim Crow, Civil Rights, and the Integration of Schools
12.04.03 For Colored Folks Only: The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow Laws
Johnson, Lyndon B.
22.02.03 Imperial Dilemma – Great Society versus Vietnam in the 1960s
13.03.07 A picture is worth a thousand words: Rediscovering biography
Keller, Helen
10.03.01 American Biographies: Lives Transformed by Literacy
10.03.05 Approaching Literacy: The Lives of Walt Disney, Helen Keller, and Dr. Seuss
Kennedy, John F.
14.04.09 Rhetoric in My World: Engaging Students in Rhetorical Analysis through Political Speechwriting
11.03.03 My Fellow Americans…A Trip through American History via Presidential Inaugural Addresses
10.02.05 Speak up! Presidential Rhetoric in the Modern Era
Kennedy, Robert F.
10.02.07 Educating Tomorrow's Orators
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
16.02.08 Reading One Another: Fostering Passion and Identity Growth through African-American Literature
15.01.08 Biographies and Autobiographies: Portraits of Peace Builders
12.02.01 Non-Violent Fictional Characters as a Means to Character-Building: Ferdinand the Flower-Friendly Bull and Chrysanthemum the Brave Blooming Mouse
12.04.03 For Colored Folks Only: The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow Laws
11.01.10 Taking a Role in History: Reading Biography with Empathy
11.03.10 The Declaration of Independence: Still Inspiring Americans to Fight for Freedom!
10.02.07 Educating Tomorrow's Orators
10.02.08 To Persuade or Not to Persuade: The Makings of a Persuasive Speech
10.02.09 Barack Obama's Rhetoric: The Trajectory of a Post-Racial America?
06.02.01 The Language of Justice
21.01.02 Who Built the American Economy? How Labor Unions Shaped the Early Labor Movement
15.03.10 Pittsburgh: Contending with its Steel Past
14.01.06 Power and the Machine: A Visual Examination of Class and Gender through the Industrial Revolution
11.03.10 The Declaration of Independence: Still Inspiring Americans to Fight for Freedom!
Latin Americans (see Latin Americans)
20.02.01 Mexican-American Labor in California through Art Literacy
10.03.11 Contando Vidas/Telling Life Stories: The Biographies of Influential Hispanics in Our Community
09.02.09 Hispanic Identity: From Dreams to Civic Participation
Lincoln, Abraham
21.01.03 Remembering the Civil War: A Primary Source Comparative Study of Rhetoric and Author Purpose
14.04.09 Rhetoric in My World: Engaging Students in Rhetorical Analysis through Political Speechwriting
14.04.10 Eloquence and Authenticity: Who Are You and Why Should I Listen To You?
12.03.05 Could YOU be President?: Explaining and Exploring Presidential Possibility through Autobiography
11.03.03 My Fellow Americans…A Trip through American History via Presidential Inaugural Addresses
10.02.08 To Persuade or Not to Persuade: The Makings of a Persuasive Speech
10.03.01 American Biographies: Lives Transformed by Literacy
Louisiana Purchase
12.03.06 The First Twenty Years: Whiskey, Aliens… and Shopping!
Manifest Destiny
14.01.03 Whose Destiny? Viewing America's Westward Expansion through Artful Eyes
11.03.04 Exporting the Idea of America
12.03.04 What the Founders could not have Known
Monroe Doctrine
11.03.04 Exporting the Idea of America
23.01.01 Curator as Detective: Looking for Missing Stories in Museums
18.01.03 The Intersection of Crime and Immigration
Obama, Barack H. (see Obama, Barack H.)
21.01.04 Mobilizing Change: Lessons Learned from Obama's 2008 Campaign
12.03.05 Could YOU be President?: Explaining and Exploring Presidential Possibility through Autobiography
11.03.03 My Fellow Americans…A Trip through American History via Presidential Inaugural Addresses
11.03.10 The Declaration of Independence: Still Inspiring Americans to Fight for Freedom!
Occupy Wall Street Movement
21.03.07 Cause and Effect: Inequality and Activism
14.01.11 Civil Disobedience in Words and Images
Political Parties
20.03.04 What Have You Done For Me Lately; A Tale of Two Parties
14.01.04 Anasazi Images on Navajo Land
06.04.10 Symbols of Hierarchy: Things of Bling in the Pre-Columbian Americas
12.03.01 I think, therefore I do? Conscious and unconscious factors influencing our choice for President of the United States
12.03.04 What the Founders could not have Known
12.03.05 Could YOU be President?: Explaining and Exploring Presidential Possibility through Autobiography
12.03.06 The First Twenty Years: Whiskey, Aliens… and Shopping!
12.03.07 Behind the Scenes of the Constitutional Convention
12.03.08 The American President and War Powers: Combatting views
12.03.09 Judges, Presidents, and the People: Who Should Interpret the Constitution?
12.03.11 What do Presidents really do?
11.03.03 My Fellow Americans…A Trip through American History via Presidential Inaugural Addresses
10.02.05 Speak up! Presidential Rhetoric in the Modern Era
09.02.03 Turning Hope into Reality
08.03.01 Road to the White House: Campaign for the Presidency
08.03.02 I'll Vote for That, but Why? The United States Constitution and Presidential Elections
08.03.03 The Elections of 1800 and 2000. How Crisis Elections Have Shaped the Practice of Democracy in United States History
Reagan, Ronald
11.03.03 My Fellow Americans…A Trip through American History via Presidential Inaugural Addresses
10.02.05 Speak up! Presidential Rhetoric in the Modern Era
14.01.02 American Genre Painting: Visual Representations of Slavery and Emancipation, 1850-1870
13.02.04 Teaching Post-Civil War History in Document-Based Fiction
12.04.03 For Colored Folks Only: The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow Laws
09.02.01 Competing Paths of Struggle: African American Resistance to White Oppression, 1863-1896
09.02.06 Civil Rights: Massive Assistance Resuscitated
08.03.04 Our Spiritual Strivings: Understanding African American Identities in a Conflicted American Democracy
05.03.11 A Long Road to Liberty
Roosevelt, Eleanor
12.03.03 The Women's Movement in Presidential Rhetoric
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
14.04.09 Rhetoric in My World: Engaging Students in Rhetorical Analysis through Political Speechwriting
11.03.03 My Fellow Americans…A Trip through American History via Presidential Inaugural Addresses
10.02.08 To Persuade or Not to Persuade: The Makings of a Persuasive Speech
Roosevelt, Theodore
12.03.03 The Women's Movement in Presidential Rhetoric
11.03.03 My Fellow Americans…A Trip through American History via Presidential Inaugural Addresses
Salem Witch Trials
23.01.02 Using Objects and Artifacts to Understand The Crucible
05.03.13 Arthur Miller's History Lesson: The Crucible as a Link from the Past through McCarthyism to Present-Day Terrorism
Seneca Falls Convention
09.02.08 Setbacks to Suffrage: Inquiry into the Process
Seven Years' War
16.01.07 Agents of Change: How American Indians Helped Change the World in Only Seven Years
23.01.03 Using art to interpret The Mary Prince- Narrative of a Slave Woman
23.01.05 Colours of Humanity: Artistic representations of the "Other"
23.01.06 Clothing and Identity in Early America: Black Women and AmerIndian Men
23.01.10 This is America: Images and Histories of Racism and Exploitation
23.01.11 Perspectives on Race: Slavery and its Legacies in Art
21.02.05 American Intersections: How Race, Class, and Gender Shape our History and Lives
20.01.05 In Their Own Words? - Using The WPA Slave Narratives in the Classroom
20.01.06 Rhetorical Inquiry Through the Lives of Douglass and Truth
20.03.05 The Supreme Court: Allowing and Constraining Constitutional Change
19.03.02 The Right to Vote: Empowerment and Civic Engagement in our Democracy
19.03.04 Grade Level Gavel Student Court: Justice for All
16.02.05 Frederick Douglass and Harriett Beecher Stowe: Two Sides to the Abolitionist Narrative
14.01.02 American Genre Painting: Visual Representations of Slavery and Emancipation, 1850-1870
14.01.09 Pain to Pride: A Visual Journey of African American Life in 19th Century Richmond, VA
14.01.11 Civil Disobedience in Words and Images
13.01.06 Picturing a Different America: "Reading" Images, Reading Strategies, and Historical Contradiction — Without "Frontloading"?
13.04.03 Whence We Stand: A Visual/Geography/History Adventure
13.04.08 Invisible Richmond: The History Behind the Urban Landscape
10.02.09 Barack Obama's Rhetoric: The Trajectory of a Post-Racial America?
08.02.03 The Role of Rhetoric in the Abolition Movement: A Study of Voice and Power in Narrative, Speech, and Letters
07.03.01 The Underground Railroad and the Geography of Freedom: Using Slave Narratives and Negro Spirituals as Maps
05.03.13 Arthur Miller's History Lesson: The Crucible as a Link from the Past through McCarthyism to Present-Day Terrorism
Spanish-American War
22.02.04 Creating Filipino Nationality: Race and Hierarchy in the Context of Empire (1886-1916)
20.02.06 Collusion in the Owner's Box: How Racism and Oppression Have Built the American Sports Industry
Stonewall Riots
09.02.07 That's My Right, too: Punishment for Being Different
Supreme Court (see Supreme Court)
Tea Party Movement
21.03.07 Cause and Effect: Inequality and Activism
22.02.01 Let's Go Bananas! U.S. Imperialism Through the Lens of a Fruit
Tulsa Race Massacre (1921)
23.01.11 Perspectives on Race: Slavery and its Legacies in Art
17.02.05 Uncovering Individuality in a Scripted World
15.01.09 Revisiting Race and Riot: Exploring Tulsa's Conflicts in Fiction, Nonfiction, and Image
13.04.01 The Study of a Zip Code: Tulsa's Invisible City
11.04.08 The 1921 Tulsa Race Riot and Its Legacy: Experiencing Place as Text
Vietnam War
22.02.03 Imperial Dilemma – Great Society versus Vietnam in the 1960s
12.03.08 The American President and War Powers: Combatting views
09.01.06 Interpreting Vietnam: War Stories and Film
09.07.04 Toxic, Persistent Chemicals in Human Environments: Case Studies of Agent Orange Use in Vietnam, 1965-1970 and Methyl Mercury in Minamata Bay, Japan, 1932-1968
05.01.09 A Century of War in Poetry: 1915-2015
05.03.08 Postmodernism and the Flexibility of the Constitution
War of 1812
05.03.10 Precedents for the USA PATRIOT Act: Military Tribunals
War on Drugs
19.02.02 On Criminal Justice Reform: Studying Philadelphia's New, Reform-Minded District Attorney through a Historical Context
19.02.03 Rethinking Policing: Origins of Brutality, the Impact and Reform
18.01.05 From Mass Incarceration to Reform: An Analysis of Crime Policy Nationally and in the City of Brotherly Love
War on Poverty
22.02.03 Imperial Dilemma – Great Society versus Vietnam in the 1960s
War on Terrorism
05.03.12 Dilemma of a Democracy: Liberty and Security
Washington, George
12.03.02 George Washington, Benito Juarez, and Simon Bolivar: an in-depth look into why we remember them.
12.03.06 The First Twenty Years: Whiskey, Aliens… and Shopping!
11.03.03 My Fellow Americans…A Trip through American History via Presidential Inaugural Addresses
10.03.01 American Biographies: Lives Transformed by Literacy
Westward Expansion
24.01.07 Extraction of Profits in the Gold Rush: Chinese Miners and California Ecology
21.01.07 AIM and Native American political activism in the 20th century
14.01.03 Whose Destiny? Viewing America's Westward Expansion through Artful Eyes
14.03.06 Understanding San Francisco Bay Area Immigration Through an Exploration of Laws and Images
12.04.06 Why do you want my children? A Glimpse into Native American Citizenship
11.03.06 American Musicals, American Freedom
11.03.08 An Opportunity for All? Andrew Jackson and the American Indian
07.03.06 The Rhetoric of Maps and the Westward Expansion of the United States
06.02.06 Chinese Immigration, Exclusion and the Chinese-American Experience
Whiskey Rebellion
12.03.06 The First Twenty Years: Whiskey, Aliens… and Shopping!
Women's Rights Movement (see Feminism; Women)
21.02.05 American Intersections: How Race, Class, and Gender Shape our History and Lives
19.03.06 Expanding Rights in American Democracy – Coalitions, Conflict, & Controversy
13.03.12 Glory Daze: Gloria Steinem's Biography Untangles the Mystique of Feminism
12.03.03 The Women's Movement in Presidential Rhetoric
Writing of
16.01.04 Rewriting the Narrative of American History: American Indian Identity and the Process of Recovery
24.03.03 First Poets
18.01.06 Ancient Law Codes to School Discipline: Is it Justice for All?
09.07.09 Social and Cultural Shifts in the Wake of Climate Change
08.04.03 Learning by Mistakes-Bridge Failures
15.04.02 The Visual Art of Writing
21.03.10 Democracy: The Ancient World and Modern Implications
10.02.08 To Persuade or Not to Persuade: The Makings of a Persuasive Speech
21.03.10 Democracy: The Ancient World and Modern Implications
09.03.06 A Tide in the Affairs of Men: Looking at Leadership in Shakespeare's Roman Plays
08.03.07 Why Rome Fell and Is the United States Next?
24.01.06 Landscape Keeps Score: Empire, Waste, Deep Time, and Art
15.04.02 The Visual Art of Writing
06.01.08 I Search - Exploring Culture and Gender through Films Made in or about China
Asian American
20.01.08 “Boxing” Asian American History
15.03.08 Ripple Effect: How Major Events Effect Everyone
16th Century
13.03.11 The Tangled Web of Richard III: Shakespeare and the Art of Biography
08.01.06 Shakespeare's World: an Integrated Unit for Third Grade
08.01.07 Queen Elizabeth's Influence on Disguise in Shakespeare's Plays and Spenser's The Faerie Queene
08.01.09 Religious Elements in Shakespeare's Hamlet
17th Century
14.06.05 Microbes as a Driving Force of Change
18th Century
16.01.07 Agents of Change: How American Indians Helped Change the World in Only Seven Years
14.01.01 Dramatizing Art: Tableaux Vivants
19th Century
14.01.01 Dramatizing Art: Tableaux Vivants
14.01.06 Power and the Machine: A Visual Examination of Class and Gender through the Industrial Revolution
14.01.07 Taking a Close Look at Pirates and Mothers
13.01.03 One Starfish at a Time: Combining Animals, Art, Literature, and Community Service
Cartographic (see Maps)
07.03.05 Mapping + Episodic Short Short Stories = Classroom Writing Success
07.03.08 Portraits of Places: Maps and Art from the European City View to the Aboriginal Dreamtime Paintings
Climate Change in
09.07.09 Social and Cultural Shifts in the Wake of Climate Change
Cold War
15.04.10 Life in the DDR through Film: German II
05.03.12 Dilemma of a Democracy: Liberty and Security
22.02.04 Creating Filipino Nationality: Race and Hierarchy in the Context of Empire (1886-1916)
21.03.10 Democracy: The Ancient World and Modern Implications
18.01.06 Ancient Law Codes to School Discipline: Is it Justice for All?
09.07.09 Social and Cultural Shifts in the Wake of Climate Change
Diné Nation (Navajo)
23.01.04 The Effect of the Navajo Long Walk Through Photos
24.01.07 Extraction of Profits in the Gold Rush: Chinese Miners and California Ecology
16.01.07 Agents of Change: How American Indians Helped Change the World in Only Seven Years
15.04.10 Life in the DDR through Film: German II
10.03.12 Connecting to Community: Biography and the Digital Age
07.03.05 Mapping + Episodic Short Short Stories = Classroom Writing Success
11.02.04 Teaching History through Poetry
07.03.08 Portraits of Places: Maps and Art from the European City View to the Aboriginal Dreamtime Paintings
13.01.08 Medals, Monuments, and Money: Nationalist Art in Spain and Mexico
08.04.01 Puentes, Civilizaciones y Cultura
06.01.03 The Spanish Civil War through Film
in Film (see Film)
18.03.04 Stories Told through Literature, Film and How It Applies to Our Society
15.04.10 Life in the DDR through Film: German II
09.01.06 Interpreting Vietnam: War Stories and Film
07.01.09 Using Film and Literature to examine The Great black Migration: An Analysis of "A Raisin in the Sun" through poetic voices
06.01.03 The Spanish Civil War through Film
22.02.01 Let's Go Bananas! U.S. Imperialism Through the Lens of a Fruit
Gender (see Gender)
14.01.06 Power and the Machine: A Visual Examination of Class and Gender through the Industrial Revolution
14.01.07 Taking a Close Look at Pirates and Mothers
14.01.08 Perspectives on Life during the Revolutionary War through the Lens of Art and Literature
16.06.04 Understanding Earth's History and Geologic Time through Evolution
14.06.06 Microbiome within the Circle of Life
10.02.04 The Role of Persuasion in Global Politics: The United Nations and Millennium Development Goals
Historical Fiction
20.01.07 The History within Toni Morrison's Sula
16.03.07 Dreaming on Imaginary Stages and Writing Imaginative Scripts: The Magical "If" Fulfilled, in "Hamilton"
15.01.01 Wandering Through the Bad Times: Children Making Their Way Through the Great Depression
15.01.07 Jim Crow, Civil Rights, and the Integration of Schools
14.01.08 Perspectives on Life during the Revolutionary War through the Lens of Art and Literature
11.03.07 American Tapestry: Interconnectedness Revealed through Historical Fiction
07.01.06 The Color Purple's Three-Fold Adaptation: Examining Protagonists and Media through a Self-Reflective, Critical Lens
07.02.06 Crime Fiction Investigation: "Socially Correct or Not, Let Me Tell You Who Did It"
07.02.08 More Than Just Whodunit - Using a Mystery Story to Motivate Tenth-Grade Students to Read
06.03.07 From Aztecs to Aztlan: Building Cultural Bridges through Literature
History of Science
14.06.05 Microbes as a Driving Force of Change
14.06.06 Microbiome within the Circle of Life
History of the Book
05.03.06 Biblioclasm: The Organized Destruction of Books
Industrial Revolution
14.01.06 Power and the Machine: A Visual Examination of Class and Gender through the Industrial Revolution
09.07.07 Energy, Climate, Environment: What's Plastic Got To Do with It?
22.02.01 Let's Go Bananas! U.S. Imperialism Through the Lens of a Fruit
20.02.01 Mexican-American Labor in California through Art Literacy
Latin America (see Latin Americans)
22.02.01 Let's Go Bananas! U.S. Imperialism Through the Lens of a Fruit
21.01.05 Latinx Biographies and Social Activism: An Untold Latinx History
20.02.05 Race and Racial Formation in Latin America: Racism Conscious Instruction in the Spanish Heritage Language Classroom
12.03.02 George Washington, Benito Juarez, and Simon Bolivar: an in-depth look into why we remember them.
10.01.01 Art and Poetry of the Afro Mestizos
10.02.01 Hugo Chávez: ¿Persuasión Retórica o Demagógica?
10.03.11 Contando Vidas/Telling Life Stories: The Biographies of Influential Hispanics in Our Community
07.04.07 Cuéntame Una Historia, Por Favor! (Tell Me A Story, Please!)
06.04.08 Mythology of the Inca and Maya
06.04.10 Symbols of Hierarchy: Things of Bling in the Pre-Columbian Americas
06.04.11 The Popol Vuh: A High School Literature Unit
20.02.02 Who is in Charge Here?: Examining (in)visibility and Cultural Context of Jim Crow Era Monuments in Elementary Art Education
19.03.09 The Different Shades of the Yellow Bus
19.03.11 A City Divided: Housing Segregation in Chicago and Beyond
18.01.02 A Church Hill: The Birth, Death, Revival But What About the Children?
16.01.06 Relationships of African Americans and Creeks in Oklahoma to 1936
15.01.09 Revisiting Race and Riot: Exploring Tulsa's Conflicts in Fiction, Nonfiction, and Image
15.03.05 A Public History of Public Housing: Richmond, Virginia
15.03.06 Looking at Desegregation through Local Narratives: A Case Study at Tulsa Central High School
15.03.07 Telling Stories: Place, Space, and Memory in Chicago's Parks
15.03.09 The History and Analysis of Public Art: Using Delaware's Desegregation History as a Ground to Learn, Interpret, and Create
15.03.10 Pittsburgh: Contending with its Steel Past
14.03.02 Neighborhood as Palimpsest: An Examination of Chicago's Back of the Yards Neighborhood Through Urban Historical Geography
14.03.06 Understanding San Francisco Bay Area Immigration Through an Exploration of Laws and Images
13.04.01 The Study of a Zip Code: Tulsa's Invisible City
13.04.02 Paseo Boricua: Discovering Our Own Division
13.04.03 Whence We Stand: A Visual/Geography/History Adventure
13.04.08 Invisible Richmond: The History Behind the Urban Landscape
13.04.10 Discovering the Invisible Bay Street: Uncovering Emeryville's History and Understanding Our Own
12.01.07 Present, Past, and Future: Using a Consumer Lens to Help Students Envision a Future
11.04.05 Intangible Space and the Map of Desire in the Gage Park Neighborhood
11.04.08 The 1921 Tulsa Race Riot and Its Legacy: Experiencing Place as Text
Chicago Fire of 1871
10.01.02 Historical Perspectives through Analysis of Art and Poetry
Mexican (see Mexico)
23.02.06 Self-Identity through Nature and Magic
11.04.04 The Scene of the Crime, Mexico City: Performing History in the Language Classroom
07.04.05 Latino Children's Folk Music: A Series of Thematic Writing Exercises
06.03.07 From Aztecs to Aztlan: Building Cultural Bridges through Literature
07.04.03 Context Clues: The Appropriation of Malinche and the Virgin of Guadalupe
20.02.01 Mexican-American Labor in California through Art Literacy
14.03.03 Tug-of-War: Mexican Immigration to the United States
14.03.04 The Cultural Move: Impact of Mexican Migration on today's American Food
14.03.05 Immigration and Migration: My Family and My Community
12.04.05 From Three Rivers to Arlington: Mexican American Civil Rights to 1954
07.04.02 Examining Mexican Immigration Thru First Person Point-of-view
Industrial Revolution
24.01.02 The Land & The People: Ecocritical Art Analysis of Industrialization
05.02.02 The Ceramic History of the Olmec Culture
Spanish Invasion
05.02.07 Multiple Perspectives on the Spanish Invasion of Mexico
Twentieth Century
13.01.08 Medals, Monuments, and Money: Nationalist Art in Spain and Mexico
11.04.04 The Scene of the Crime, Mexico City: Performing History in the Language Classroom
05.02.05 Conflict and Resolution through Sports: A Question of Civil Rights: The 1968 Olympics and Tlatelolco
10.03.06 Micro Biographical Essays: Students Helping Students Learn about American History
Middle Eastern
16.03.08 Unraveling the Dream World Stereotype of the Arab People
Native Americans (see Native Americans)
24.01.06 Landscape Keeps Score: Empire, Waste, Deep Time, and Art
24.02.04 The Why and How of Reading: Literacy Skills from Primary Sources
23.01.05 Colours of Humanity: Artistic representations of the "Other"
23.01.06 Clothing and Identity in Early America: Black Women and AmerIndian Men
23.04.02 Environmental Justice and Land Issues of Indigenous People
21.01.07 AIM and Native American political activism in the 20th century
19.02.07 A History of Peacemaking and Incarceration with the Dine People
18.03.04 Stories Told through Literature, Film and How It Applies to Our Society
16.01.01 Dreaming from the Margins, Living in the In-Between: Identity, Culture, and the Power of Voice
16.01.02 Interpreting Moments of American Indian Activism
16.01.03 First and Second Wave Native American Literature
16.01.04 Rewriting the Narrative of American History: American Indian Identity and the Process of Recovery
16.01.05 The Constitutional Crisis of Indian Removal
16.01.06 Relationships of African Americans and Creeks in Oklahoma to 1936
16.01.07 Agents of Change: How American Indians Helped Change the World in Only Seven Years
16.01.08 The Menominee Journey to Self Determination
16.01.09 Indian Boarding Schools: A Case Study of Assimilation, Resistance, and Resilience
16.01.10 Code-Switching: From Indian Boarding Schools to Urban Classrooms
14.01.03 Whose Destiny? Viewing America's Westward Expansion through Artful Eyes
14.01.08 Perspectives on Life during the Revolutionary War through the Lens of Art and Literature
13.02.05 Real American: Making Literature a Means for Displacing Native American Stereotypes
12.04.06 Why do you want my children? A Glimpse into Native American Citizenship
11.03.08 An Opportunity for All? Andrew Jackson and the American Indian
11.04.12 Feathers and Beads: Exploring Heritage through the Mardi Gras Indians
10.06.06 Teaching Principles of Evolutionary Medicine through a Historical Lens
07.02.08 More Than Just Whodunit - Using a Mystery Story to Motivate Tenth-Grade Students to Read
06.04.01 Let Our Things Speak True: Native American Writers Journey Back
06.04.02 Things, Foods, and How We Know
06.04.03 Native American Art Traditions in the Middle School Arts Curriculum
06.04.04 The Circle of Life
06.04.07 Noble Savage: Depictions of Native Americans Throughout U.S. History
06.04.08 Mythology of the Inca and Maya
06.04.09 Native American Music and Dance
06.04.10 Symbols of Hierarchy: Things of Bling in the Pre-Columbian Americas
06.04.11 The Popol Vuh: A High School Literature Unit
Diné Nation (see Diné Nation (Navajo))
21.01.07 AIM and Native American political activism in the 20th century
19.03.07 The Different Types of Government and The Vote
19.03.08 Á?chíní Bi Beehaz'áanii: Applying Navajo Fundamental Law to Preserve Cultural Heritage
17.02.02 Identity of Past and Present Diné
17.05.04 Math World Problems and the Diné Hooghan
16.03.09 Journey to the Sun: Reclaiming Imagination and Self-Esteem through Culture and History
14.01.04 Anasazi Images on Navajo Land
14.04.02 Eloquence and Culture Leading with Words
14.06.06 Microbiome within the Circle of Life
13.02.03 Seasonal Dine/Navajo Poetry: Interpreting the Seasons through Dine/Navajo Culture
13.03.10 The Significance of My Great-Grandparent
12.03.10 Naataanii'
12.05.01 Diné Be'azee': Diné Traditional Medicine
12.05.08 Medicines between Two Worlds
11.04.03 The Intangible Heritage of Diné
Vietnam War
Natural Disasters
11.04.02 Strange Fruit: An Exploration of Imagery and Socio-politics of Post-Katrina New Orleans
11.04.10 New Orleans: Human Gifts, Human Lessons
of Science
24.04.02 Brainpower: Using Math and Science to Understand Five Moments in Energy History
of Writing
24.03.03 First Poets
21.05.03 Human Population Over Time – Analyzing the Demographic Transition Model
Public History
18.01.02 A Church Hill: The Birth, Death, Revival But What About the Children?
15.03.01 Richmond's Divisive Monuments: A Look into One City's Debate over Public Art, Memory, and History
15.03.02 Silicon Valley's Otro Lado, Youth Voices Speak About Their Community in Film
15.03.03 My City Need' Something
15.03.05 A Public History of Public Housing: Richmond, Virginia
15.03.06 Looking at Desegregation through Local Narratives: A Case Study at Tulsa Central High School
15.03.07 Telling Stories: Place, Space, and Memory in Chicago's Parks
15.03.09 The History and Analysis of Public Art: Using Delaware's Desegregation History as a Ground to Learn, Interpret, and Create
15.03.10 Pittsburgh: Contending with its Steel Past
08.01.09 Religious Elements in Shakespeare's Hamlet
14.01.01 Dramatizing Art: Tableaux Vivants
14.01.02 American Genre Painting: Visual Representations of Slavery and Emancipation, 1850-1870
06.04.02 Things, Foods, and How We Know
05.03.11 A Long Road to Liberty
in Theatre
11.03.06 American Musicals, American Freedom
Transatlantic Slave Trade
23.01.09 Illuminating Gem of the Ocean with Art Representing African Diaspora
United Nations
10.02.04 The Role of Persuasion in Global Politics: The United Nations and Millennium Development Goals
Urban (see Urban)
24.01.09 Traces of the Past: From Landscape to Cityscape
24.01.10 The History of Richmond through Maps
20.03.03 Codes of Conduct: Racist Housing and Education Policies that Impact Urban Students
19.03.11 A City Divided: Housing Segregation in Chicago and Beyond
18.01.02 A Church Hill: The Birth, Death, Revival But What About the Children?
15.03.03 My City Need' Something
15.03.05 A Public History of Public Housing: Richmond, Virginia
15.03.06 Looking at Desegregation through Local Narratives: A Case Study at Tulsa Central High School
15.03.07 Telling Stories: Place, Space, and Memory in Chicago's Parks
15.03.09 The History and Analysis of Public Art: Using Delaware's Desegregation History as a Ground to Learn, Interpret, and Create
15.03.10 Pittsburgh: Contending with its Steel Past
14.03.02 Neighborhood as Palimpsest: An Examination of Chicago's Back of the Yards Neighborhood Through Urban Historical Geography
14.03.06 Understanding San Francisco Bay Area Immigration Through an Exploration of Laws and Images
13.04.02 Paseo Boricua: Discovering Our Own Division
13.04.08 Invisible Richmond: The History Behind the Urban Landscape
12.01.07 Present, Past, and Future: Using a Consumer Lens to Help Students Envision a Future
War (see War)
World War I
21.01.09 Literary and Historical Reading with Langston Hughes
14.02.04 Dulce et Decorum Est: Common Core and the Poetry of War
05.01.09 A Century of War in Poetry: 1915-2015
05.03.08 Postmodernism and the Flexibility of the Constitution
05.03.10 Precedents for the USA PATRIOT Act: Military Tribunals
05.03.12 Dilemma of a Democracy: Liberty and Security
05.03.13 Arthur Miller's History Lesson: The Crucible as a Link from the Past through McCarthyism to Present-Day Terrorism
World War II
14.04.08 The Politics of Rhetoric: William Golding's Lord of the Flies and Leadership Speeches of World War II
12.01.01 War on the Home Front: Politics and the Zoot Suit
11.03.06 American Musicals, American Freedom
05.01.09 A Century of War in Poetry: 1915-2015
05.03.08 Postmodernism and the Flexibility of the Constitution
05.03.10 Precedents for the USA PATRIOT Act: Military Tribunals
05.03.12 Dilemma of a Democracy: Liberty and Security
05.03.13 Arthur Miller's History Lesson: The Crucible as a Link from the Past through McCarthyism to Present-Day Terrorism
Hitchcock, Alfred
15.04.01 Look Behind You! Mastering the Art of Suspense with Poe and Hitchcock
12.01.05 Teenage Dream: Consuming Subtext
06.01.11 The Rhetorical Nature of Narrative
Hobbes, Thomas
05.03.03 Thomas Hobbes and John Locke: Using Enlightenment Philosophy to Teach Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
The Odyssey
07.01.01 The Odyssey: Seeing My Journey through Film
Hughes, Langston
24.03.04 The Harlem Renaissance in Sounds and Image
14.02.07 Poetry Café: The World of Langston Hughes
13.02.07 Interpreting the Literal for the Revelational
11.02.08 Using the Sonnet and Other Poems to Unlock the Speaker's Voice
10.01.05 Reading Art through Poetry
08.02.01 Voice in Poetry: Dream a World with Langston Hughes
08.03.04 Our Spiritual Strivings: Understanding African American Identities in a Conflicted American Democracy