I Use Sanitizer; Why Do I Still Get Sick?
Vivienne Fae Bartman-McClellan
Published September 2010
Guide Entry to 10.06.01
This unit is designed for an elementary classroom. With this obsession with sanitizer I wonder why the children are
still getting sick. Even the children are asking questions pertaining to why they have a cold or flu when they use the
sanitizer all of the time. The burning question is: what other factors may influence the spread of germs? From a very
young age we have all been taught to cover our mouths when we sneeze or cough, wash our hands before we eat and after
we go to the bathroom and to clean up after making a mess. But, with all of the hygienic precautions we take why are
we still getting sick? The students need to make an informed decision about how to stay healthy by doing their own
investigations and experiments. They will need to get an understanding that there are many possible reasons that they
get sick and that sometimes being overly sanitized can cause adverse conditions. This unit will help them make better
healthy choices through hands-on scientific activities.
(Developed for Science and Health, grade 2; recommended for Science and Health, grades K-5)