Stay Away From the Flu It is nice to get a flu shot it's true But if you can't here is what you can do Tiny droplets of flu are out for you Stay away from the droplets - stay away from the flu If someone is sick stay six feet away Or a sneeze or cough may spray droplets your way And don't touch your eyes or nose or mouth Cause droplets of virus come in by that route Your food can bring droplets of virus to you So, first clean your hands and I'll give you a clue Can't find a sink - don't know what to do Use hand sanitizer, always carry with you Place a dime size amount in the palm of the hand And rub over both hands the best that you can If these do not work, there is medicine too But you have to take it within two days of flu I hope this poem helps you not get the flu But if you do, try not to spread it too Coughing at someone just is not fair Cough or sneeze into a tissue with care And if there is no tissue that's okay too Sneeze away and down, your sleeve will do. 1
With the Swine Flu scare this year hygiene and protection have been foremost in everyone's thoughts. Even the children are more conscious about germs and have a preoccupation with hand sanitizer. In every hallway in our school building is a sanitizer dispenser. An everyday occurrence is a child's need to use the sanitizer each time they walk past it, which could be as many as 10 times a day. They also feel that if they use the sanitizer they don't need to wash their hands during their bathroom break and that sanitizer can clean dirt, chalk, glue, and pencil marks from their hands. With this obsession with sanitizer I wonder why the children are still getting sick. Even the children are asking questions pertaining to why they have a cold or flu when they use the sanitizer all of the time. The burning question is: what other factors may influence the spread of germs? From a very young age we have all been taught to cover our mouths when we sneeze or cough, wash our hands before we eat and after we go to the bathroom and to clean up after making a mess. But, with all of the hygienic precautions we take why are we still getting sick? The seminar "Evolutionary Medicine" showed me the bigger picture as to why we get sick. Research suggests that all of our cleanliness is actually doing us harm. Our immune system is not developing the way it used to develop in previous generations. In our seminar we discussed this "Hygiene Hypothesis" which was a completely unknown subject to me but very intriguing.