Curriculum Units by National Fellows
The curriculum units National Fellows write are compiled in a volume for each seminar. The volume contains an introduction by the Yale faculty member who led the seminar that describes what the National Fellows studied.
Each teacher participating in a national seminar prepares a curriculum unit to be taught the following year in their school and to be shared with other teachers in the school district and elsewhere.
Guides to the curriculum units consist of synopses written by their authors and contain recommendations of the school courses and grade levels where the units may best apply.
Guide to Curriculum Units
Guide to Curriculum Units
Guide to Curriculum Units
Volume 1 | Contemporary American Indian History |
Volume 2 | Why Literature Matters |
Volume 3 | "Over the Rainbow": Fantasy Lands, Dream Worlds, and Magic Kingdoms |
Volume 4 | Energy Sciences |
Volume 5 | The Number Line in the Common Core |
Volume 6 | Making Sense of Evolution |
Guide to Curriculum Units
Volume 1 | Literature and Information |
Volume 2 | Explaining Character in Shakespeare |
Volume 3 | History in Our Everyday Lives |
Volume 4 | Using Film in the Classroom/How to Read a Film |
Volume 5 | Problem Solving and the Common Core |
Volume 6 | Physiological Determinants of Global Health |
Guide to Curriculum Units
Guide to Curriculum Units
Volume 1 | Picture Writing |
Volume 2 | Interpreting Texts, Making Meaning: Starting Small |
Volume 3 | The Art of Biography |
Volume 4 | Invisible Cities: The Arts and Renewable Community |
Volume 5 | Energy Sciences |
Volume 6 | Genetic Engineering and Human Health |
Guide to Curriculum Units
Guide to Curriculum Units
Volume 1 | The Art of Reading People: Character, Expression, Interpretation |
Volume 2 | Love and Politics in the Sonnet |
Volume 3 | The Idea of America |
Volume 4 | The Big Easy: Literary New Orleans and Intangible Heritage |
Volume 5 | Chemistry of Everyday Things |
Volume 6 | Great Ideas of Primary Mathematics |
Volume 7 | Organs and Artificial Organs |
Guide to Curriculum Units
Volume 1 | Connecting the Visual to the Verbal in the Classroom |
Volume 2 | Persuasion in Democratic Politics |
Volume 3 | Creating Lives: An Introduction to Biography |
Volume 4 | The Mathematics of Wallpaper |
Volume 5 | Nanotechnology and Human Health |
Volume 6 | Evolutionary Medicine |
Guide to Curriculum Units
Volume 1 | Storytelling around the Globe |
Volume 2 | The Rise, Fall, and Rise Again of the Civil Rights Movement |
Volume 3 | Shakespeare and Human Character |
Volume 4 | The Sound of Words: An Introduction to Poetry |
Volume 5 | Green Chemistry |
Volume 6 | The Brain in Health and Disease |
Volume 7 | Energy, Climate, Environment |
Guide to Curriculum Units
Guide to Curriculum Units
Volume 1 | Adapting Literature |
Volume 2 | Across the Curriculum with Detective Fiction for Young People and Adults |
Volume 3 | Maps and Mapmaking |
Volume 4 | Latino Cultures and Communities |
Volume 5 | Renewable Energy |
Volume 6 | Keeping the Meaning in Mathematics: The Craft of Word Problems |
Volume 7 | The Science and Technology of Space |