Guide Entry to 09.02.05
This unit reflects the needs of my student body, as 99% of Kenwood Academy's students are classified as minorities. Kenwood Academy students were highly engaged in the 2008 election on many different levels. I was pleasantly surprised at the level of my students' interest and involvement, but I want them to delve deeper; analyzing the election's genesis and its role as a catalyst for "change."
This unit will create a thread that will be woven throughout other units taught this year. To introduce the class, I will have a "tapas" unit, or small units that will be expanded to full units. This small units share a common theme, minority rights and representation. The goal of the unit is to allow students to view the election from the perspective of those from different races, religions, gender, sexual orientations, geography, and languages. Looking at the election from alternate angles will allow students to gain a better understanding of the factors that formulate America's diverse electorate.
(Developed for AP U.S. Government, grades 10-12, and World Studies, grades 8-9; recommended for AP Government, U.S. Government, and U.S. History, grades 9-12, and Social Studies, grades 7-9)