The Rise, Fall, and Rise Again of the Civil Rights Movement


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Rationale
  2. Tapas Course 1 - We the People...which people?
  3. Tapas Course 2: Bob Bartlett
  4. Tapas Course 3 - President of the Whole World and all of its beautiful people.
  5. Tapas Course 4 - Polling, Statistics, Data, do all these numbers really mean anything?
  6. Tapas Course 5 - Votum
  7. Tapas Course 6 - Please More Members of Congress who look like me!
  8. Tapas Course 7 - Fight for the right to Party!
  9. Tapas Course 8 - Does the Supreme come with everything?
  10. Tapas Course 9 - Everyone's right to equal education
  11. Lesson Plan Outlines
  12. Bibliography

Analysis of the Obama Election: Will It Bring Rights and Representation for Minorities?

Adam J. Kubey

Published September 2009

Tools for this Unit:

Lesson Plan Outlines

Tapas Course 1 - We the People...which people?

Mission: Students will explore the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution with the goal of understanding the intent and effects on minorities.

Bell ringer: Who is declaring independence? Who was making this decision to become independent and would the construction of this new nation provide equality for all?

In-class activities: Discussion of Bell ringer. Students will break into groups and break down the documents (Declaration of Independence and Constitution), read the night before. They will write down phrases and key points that they found important and analyze the key phrases of the preamble and the opening of the Constitution as separate segments for meaning. We then will analyze them together to see if the means of the pages add up to the meaning of the whole. We will come together as a class, discuss, and reflect on the class consensus.

Reflection: Did the founders of our nation truly believe in equality for all? Why or why not? How might this be hypocritical in what our new nation was rebelling against?

Homework: Read alternative constitutions from "We the Other People"

Mission: Students will create their own constitution based on what they believe to be the deficiencies of our current constitution.

Bell Ringer: If you could change or add one thing to the Constitution, what would it be and why?

In-class activities: Students will be prompted with bell ringer. We will discuss it, and then break back into the groups from the previous day. They will outline various groups' constitutions, and identify which would be adopted to govern the United States. Students can use the current US Constitution as a basis for their own, but should note the things that they wanted to change or add. They should use the "We the Other people" reading as a reference and inspiration. Each group will present their new Constitution and the class will discuss the similarities, difference and semantics of each.

Reflection: Why haven't these changes we have suggested actually been done? What reasons would society have of not making them?

Homework: Expand on your reflection answer to formulate a comparison of why your suggestions for the constitution were not added when it was originally written, or in today's society. You should have ½ to 1 pages of writing.

Tapas Course 2 - Bob Bartlett

Mission: Using the story of Bob Bartlett, students will decide whether elected representatives should be delegates or trustees.

Bell ringer: Read Bob Bartlett story (1st half)

In-class activity: The class will read the story of Bob Bartlett from "Constitution in Conflict" by Robert A. Burt pages 304-306. Students will stop reading and fill out a pro con chart of what Bartlett should have done before finding what he actually did. We will read the second half of the story, and discuss whether his actions were justified. We will discuss what it means to be a trustee and delegate.

Reflection: Was Bob Bartlett's actions justified? What would you have done in his shoes?

Mission: Students will act out the bill voting process, taking into account what it means to be a trustee and delegate.

Bell ringer: Each student gets a slip with a congressmen's general information and mission in regards to the congress bill discussion.

In-class activity: Bill vote activity, followed by a discussion of the events that occurred during the activity. As a class, we will create a cause and effect chart to show how actions lead to consequences for certain groups, specifically minority groups.

Reflection: Why was it hard weighing what you believe was right and what you believe was best for your constituents? Explain.

Tapas Course 3 - President of the whole world and all of its beautiful people.

Mission: Students will compare campaign promises made by candidate Obama and what actions have been taken to get these laws enacted (if any).

Bell Ringer: Write down what promises you believe candidate Obama made when running for president in 2008.

In-class Activities: Discussion of bell ringer. Using chart provided, pairs of students will list a promise for each topic that candidate Obama addressed. After completing this chart, groups will research what movement has occurred on each topic. Pairs will determine if the President has made a conscious effort to address the promises he made during the campaign, or if his message has changed. The research will be followed by class discussion of each topic.

Reflection: Has the President come through on his promises or has he changed his stance now in office? Explain

Homework: Watch and read about the Clinton White House use of public opinion polling (PBS Special)

Tapas Course 4 - Polling, Statistics, Data, do all these numbers really mean anything?

Mission: Students will understand the relationship public opinion polling has on the president's actions.

Bell Ringer: What is the Bradley effect? Do you believe that it had an effect on Obama's primary loss in New Hampshire? Explain.

In-class Activities: Discussion of bell ringer. The class will read an article from the New York Times on the outcome of the 2008 New Hampshire primary. Students will discuss what happened and if they believe race was an issue in voter decisions. Students will be broken up into groups and given a topic for research. These topics will reflect the same topics in tapas course 3. Students will research polling sites write observations of current polling on an issue, how the President is polling and prepare a presentation on the material found. Each group will report back to the class as to their findings. Students will report back as if they were advisors to the president, and will offer to suggestions to me about my next steps as president.

Reflection: How might public opinion polls shape how President Obama acts in regard to these issues? Should he pay attention to polling or not? Explain.

Homework: Read New York Times article on History of Voting in the United States.

Tapas Course 5 - Votum

Mission: Students will understand the history of voting in the United States and analyze 2008 presidential election results.

Bell ringer: Using the data in front of you, what general observations can you make?

In-class Activities: Discuss bell ringer and New York Times article on history of voting. Class discussion should be directed on how voting has changed in modern times. Using the data packets of 2008 presidential election results, groups will analyze the data through various demographic lenses. Students will present their findings to the class and as a whole we will come up with general theories of the results.

Reflection: What results from the data chart helped you to better understand why minority groups voted for Obama over McCain? Explain.

Tapas Course 6 - Please More Members of Congress who look like me!

Mission: Students will look at their own congressmen and Illinois minority representatives in congress to better understand if they are representing the minority groups that elected them.

Bell ringer: What criteria would you weigh in deciding a candidate for congress?

In-class Activities: Discussion of members of congress and their own criteria for a congressman. Break students into groups to research assigned congressmen. Students will have to find specific information to help them present to the class about their congressmen. They will also have to find out information about the districts that they represent the issues that are important to the population. Each group will be given voting data and maps showing voting habits for the region. Students will use them as a part of their overall analysis of their district and representative.

Reflection: Do you believe that the congressman of your district represents the people of the district views? Why or why not?

Homework: Students will be asked to interview their family and voting age friends to see if they agree with the classes findings about their own representative, and how if any it changes their support for them.

Tapas Course 7 - Fight for the right to Party!

Mission: Students will analyze the two major political parties that the US currently has and research alternative third parties.

Bell ringer: Do you find your stance on an issue is shared at all times by either the Democratic or Republican Party? Why or why not?

In-class Activity: Students will research the two major political parties and find out their stances on major certain main issues. Groups will be assigned a third party, and they will also find their stance on those issues. They will chart their findings and share with the class.

Reflection: What issues where the third party that you researched different from the two major parties, and do you think that if they were given equal funding, would be able to compete with the major parties? Explain.

Mission: Students will chart interest groups party affiliations to better understand political party ties.

Bell ringer: Looking at your sheet of interest groups, which group do you recognize with and why?

In-class: Students will pair up and fill out interest group/political party work sheets. Students will be asked to explain their answers. The class will tally votes, and discuss the class's results. We will then compare results to 2008 campaign contributions.

Reflection: What surprised you most about the interest group/political party connections? Explain.

Homework: Students will read and note take on New Haven Firefighter Case readings as well as Brown V. Board of Education Readings.

Tapas Course 8 - Does the Supreme come with everything?

Mission: Students will debate and discuss New Haven Fighter Case and its relationship to race in America.

Bell Ringer: Do you agree more with Justice Alito or Ginsburg's opinion? Explain why.

In-class Activity: Students will take part in a mock trial by reenacting the New Haven Firefighter Case. Students will play the plaintiff, defendant, or court justices. After the court presents the decision, we will discuss the opinions of the real Supreme Court Justices.

Reflection: How might the actions of the police in the Henry Louis Gates Jr. incident and this New Haven case both be linked to race in America? Explain.

Homework: Expand on reflection to form 1 to 2 pages position paper

Tapas Course 9 - Everyone's Right to Equal Education

Mission: Students will analyze and reflect on the educational funding system that is in place in Illinois is equality.

Bell ringer: Do you feel each school in the state should get equal funding? Why or why not?

In-class Activity: Students in groups will take part in school budget activity. They will share with the class their decisions. The class will discuss school funding, equity and the current economies affect on school funds. Students will read the summary of the case being brought against the State of Illinois by the Chicago Urban League and analyze their case to what they have discussed.

Reflection: What changes would you make to the current educational funding system in Illinois?

Homework: Write a letter to your congressmen; state representative and the Secretary of Education explain what you have learned about education funding in Illinois. You should include what you feel would make education more equitable.


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