Guide Entry to 06.05.02
This curriculum unit on global warming is meant for a middle school science classroom and is being used as a bridge between two very different topics in the 7th grade North Carolina science curriculum. The students begin with a unit on atmosphere and weather and then move onto a unit in human biology. This unit will tie those two topics together by first of all explaining the science of global warming and its impact on the atmosphere and planet in general and will then discuss the possible consequences to human health, particularly in relation to the spread of disease.
In addition to closing the gap between the two topics, this unit also includes some interdisciplinary lessons that will be done in conjunction with other teachers at my grade level. Students will be working individually, in small and large groups, and participating in whole class discussions. Students will be analyzing graphs, creating graphs, writing persuasive letters, analyzing their own impact on the environment, conducting research, and presenting information. They will become more knowledgeable about trying to create change within their own homes and communities. The broad goal is to make them more scientifically literate and make them responsible, knowledgeable citizens.
(Developed for Integrated Science, grade 7; recommended for General Science, grades 6-8)