Guide Entry to 12.05.04
Our bodies serve as amazing creations that hold much mystery for even the most educated among us. When you consider the perspective of a child, it is fascinating to watch them discover how their bodies function. Children are often unaware of the nutrients needed to sustain a healthy and active life, and most do not see the correlation of their playground games, cafeteria lunches, and P.E. time as relevant to their bodies.
The unit "What's Going On Inside My Body?" is designed for second and third grade classes. This unit focuses on the structure and function of the central nervous system and the digestive system in the human body. The students also will learn about the foods that are rich in the nutrients that support these amazing systems in our body. The unit is designed to engage very young children in anatomy and physiology through hands on activities, observations and discussion. Providing them with this information will lay the foundation for future learning, empower them to make better food choices and answer the age old question, "Why do I have to eat my vegetables?"
(Developed for Health/P.E., grades 2-3; recommended for General Education and Health/P.E., grades 2-3)