Fellow Questionnaire Results

Evaluation has been integral to a National Demonstration Project and the work of the Yale National Initiative.

To Strengthen Teaching: An Evaluation of Teachers Institute Experiences, 2009

A 2009 report on a study of participants in Teachers Institutes in Houston, New Haven, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh from 2003-2008 and in National Initiative seminars at Yale from 2005-2008 concludes that the Teachers Institute Approach enhances teacher quality in precisely the ways that are known to increase student achievement; Teachers Institutes exemplify the crucial characteristics of high-quality teacher professional development; and Institute participation is strongly linked to teacher retention in urban public schools.

National Fellow Questionnaire Results, 2005-2021

From 2005-2021, 573 different public school teachers participated at least once and completed a questionnaire each time they participated. A longitudinal analysis of questionnaire data concludes that teacher leaders ensure that the program meets teachers' needs; collegiality has consistently enriched teachers' experiences; and curriculum units written in national seminars ensure that teachers' learning reaches their students.