Fellow Questionnaire Results
Evaluation has been integral to a National Demonstration Project and the work of the Yale National Initiative.
To Strengthen Teaching: An Evaluation of Teachers Institute Experiences, 2009
A 2009 report on a study of participants in Teachers Institutes in Houston, New Haven, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh from 2003-2008 and in National Initiative seminars at Yale from 2005-2008 concludes that the Teachers Institute Approach enhances teacher quality in precisely the ways that are known to increase student achievement; Teachers Institutes exemplify the crucial characteristics of high-quality teacher professional development; and Institute participation is strongly linked to teacher retention in urban public schools.
National Fellow Questionnaire Results, 2005-2021
From 2005-2021, 573 different public school teachers participated at least once and completed a questionnaire each time they participated. A longitudinal analysis of questionnaire data concludes that teacher leaders ensure that the program meets teachers' needs; collegiality has consistently enriched teachers' experiences; and curriculum units written in national seminars ensure that teachers' learning reaches their students.
The Yale National Initiative to Strengthen Teaching in Public Schools, 2004
This booklet describes results of the four-year National Demonstration Project and plans for the Yale National Initiative to Strengthen Teaching in Public Schools.