My unit topic is to explore and explain the chemistry behind weather. Elementary teachers are faced with teaching students at a very early age about the weather. After all, weather is what prompts one into making decisions, or the parents, into what to wear each day. I remember teaching my second graders about weather. We took daily temperature readings, drew pictures showing the amount, or lack thereof, of cloud cover in the sky. If it rained, we put out buckets and measured and recorded how much rain fell in a certain time period. We even made flags and went out and observed the wind direction and strength of the wind. All that I was teaching my students; I had no idea of the chemistry behind the weather. When I think of chemistry, I think of chemicals, Bunsen burners, goggles, and rubber gloves. I didn't see how weather and chemistry related. I know that there's chemistry everywhere and this is an attempt to relate weather to basic chemistry.