Energy, Environment, and Health

2012 Volume VII

Introduction by John P. Wargo, Tweedy Ordway Professor of Environment, Health, and Politics

This seminar will examine the environmental, health, and economic effects of reliance on different forms of energy. We will also examine laws and policies that influence energy demand and their effectiveness in managing environmental and health damages. Topics covered will include green building and energy efficiency, development in the coastal zone, urban sprawl and public transit, vehicle emissions, the future of nuclear, natural gas, coal, wind turbines, emissions trading schemes, and conservation. In all cases we will consider underlying sources of problems, along with opportunities for reducing damages.

Session 1: Energy and the Built Environment

Session 2: Nuclear Power After Fukushima

Session 3: Land Use Regulation in the Coastal Zone

Session 4: Food and Energy

Session 5: Wind Energy: Law and Politics

Session 6: Biofuels and the Enogen Corn Ethanol Debate

Session 7: Natural Gas and Safe Drinking Water

Session 8: Climate Change and Endangered Species

Session 9: Offshore Oil Extraction

Session 10: Transit, Air Quality and Health Effects

Session 11: Urban Growth and Sprawl

John Wargo