Initiative Offers National Seminars
In 2011 the Initiative is offering seven national seminars...
In 2011 the Initiative is offering seven national seminars at Yale for teachers from League Teachers Institutes and from selected school districts that are planning or considering the establishment of a new Teachers Institute.
National seminars have the twin purposes of providing teachers first-hand experience with the Institute approach, while affording them an opportunity to increase their preparation in a subject they teach and to develop a curriculum unit to teach what they have learned to their own students. Each teacher selected as a Yale National Fellow participates in one of the national seminars.
National Fellows must already be, or must be committed to becoming leaders in a local Teachers Institute. Teachers selected as Yale National Fellows participate in an Organizational Session of the seminars on May 6-7, in daily seminar meetings held during the Intensive Session at Yale on July 11-22, and in the Annual Conference on October 21-22.