Statement of U.S. Senator Christopher Coons

I'm proud to join Senators Lieberman and Blumenthal on the Teachers Professional Development Institutes Act...

U.S. Senator Christopher Coons in classroom with student

"I'm proud to join Senators Lieberman and Blumenthal on the Teachers Professional Development Institutes Act, which will facilitate partnerships between school districts and nearby colleges and universities to help improve teaching quality and student achievement in low-income communities," Senator Christopher Coons said. “These Institutes create an environment for teachers at all education levels to come together for a free-flowing, uninhibited exchange of ideas on a series of academic subjects that will enrich classroom instruction and help ensure our children receive a proper education. It was in my home state of Delaware, which is known for being a leader in education reform, that the first Teachers Institute whose partnership involved more than one school district was formed. We all know there’s much that still needs to be done to ensure that our children are provided the necessary resources to succeed in our global workforce. Partnerships like these are a strong step in the right direction."