Preliminary Steps
An important early step consists of meetings not only of key university and school administrators, but especially of school teachers who might assume a leading role in the new Institute and those university faculty members who might lead seminars and help to identify interested colleagues on the faculty. The Yale National Initiative can, directly or through its website, furnish literature and videos in various forms and formats to persons who have this interest. During this preliminary period, the community in which such interest is expressed may be designated by the Director of the Yale National Initiative a "participating location."
Depending on its progress in local planning, a school district may be invited to nominate or recommend teachers to apply to participate in the national seminars that meet in May and July. The faculty members from such a participating community may also be invited to an Intensive Session in July, where the faculty members can observe national seminars, and can attend meetings on the Teachers Institute Approach. School and university officials may be invited to attend an Annual Conference in the fall, where, with others from League Institutes and communities planning or exploring an Institute, they may report on and plan for the Initiative's work locally and nationally.