Teacher Resources
The Academy of American Poets. Poets.Org. http://www.poets.org> (16 July 2005).
An authoritative resource for teachers and students on poets, poems, films, audiofiles, and National Poetry Month.
Charters, Ann. The Portable Beat Reader. New York: Penguin, 1992. An accessibleanthology of writings from Beat poets including Allen Ginsberg, LawrenceFerlinghetti, and other major figures.
Classroom Electric: Teaching Dickinson, Whitman, and American Culture. 2001.http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/fdw/> (16 July 2005). A collection of websites on the two poets useful for both teachers and students. Includes links tooriginal manuscripts, letters, maps, notebooks, rare photographs, and scholarship.
Genoways, Ted, Ed. The Virginia Quarterly Review. Vol. 81. No. 2. (Spring 2005).
A special issue with essays by twenty-five American poets and writers on WaltWhitman's Leaves of Grass, celebrating the 150th Anniversary.
Goleman, Daniel, Paul Kaufman, and Michael Ray. The Creative Spirit. New York:Dutton, 1992. A companion to the PBS television series and a general source onhuman creativity.
Library of Congress. Revising Himself: Walt Whitman and Leaves of Grass.
http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/treasures/whitman-home.html> (18 July 2005)
A website to accompany the 150th Anniversary publication of Leaves of Grass. The Library of Congress holds the largest archival collection on Whitman in theworld.
Michaels, Judith Rowe. Risking Intensity: Reading and Writing Poetry with High SchoolStudents. Urbana: NCTE, 1999. A refreshing work for teachers who want theirstudents to fully engage with poetry through both reading and writing. Includeslessons from poets and student poetry.
Oliver, Mary. A Poetry Handbook: A Prose Guide to Understanding and Writing Poetry.San Diego: Harcourt Brace, 1994. A concise handbook on reading poems andexploring poetic elements such as sound, line, verse, diction, tone, and imagery.
Walt Whitman Archive. Eds. Ed Folsom and Kenneth M. Price.
http://www.whitmanarchive.org/> (16 July 2005). An ongoing scholarlyresearch and teaching site that archives manuscripts, full-text versions of Leavesof Grass, images, audio, and criticism.
Whitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass and Other Writings. Edited by Michael Moon. NewYork: Norton, 2002. A definitive source for students and teachers of Whitman.Includes publication history, classic and contemporary criticism, and unpublishedpoems.