Although this curriculum unit will focus on the sonnet and its history from Petrarch to contemporary times, two core objectives have guided its development. The first objective is to introduce the concept of form in poetry and its importance to the poem's overall impact. The second objective is to create a framework that enables students to experience success in the close reading of poetry. The decision to write this unit stemmed from an awareness that many middle school students lack experience in both of these areas.
I teach eighth graders in an urban middle school, and so had my own students in mind when creating this unit. However, most of what is presented is appropriate for other middle school grades as well as for high school. I teach both an eighth grade regular Communications class (our terminology for language arts) and an eighth grade Creative Writing class. In addition, I plan to start an after school poetry club next year. This unit is appropriate for all three situations. Because my eighth graders have responded so positively to poetry study in the past, and because I believe that the study of poetry provides a strong foundation for the study of other literary forms, I hope to find time for poetry study each week during the school year. This unit will be a part of the year long emphasis on poetry. The unit itself should cover seven one hour class periods, but teachers will find many ways to extend or limit its scope.