The Uses of Poetry in the Classroom


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Rationale
  4. Objectives
  5. Strategies
  6. Classroom Activities
  7. Materials
  8. Bibliography
  9. Appendix A
  10. Appendix B

Poetry's Idyllic and Intriguing Patterns for Kindergarten

Stephanie Louise Johnson

Published September 2005

Tools for this Unit:


DePaola, Tomie. (1985).Mother Goose. New York: G.P. Putman

This is a basic rhyming book. All of the mother goose rhymes are included in this book.

Encarta's Reference Library. (2003). Associationism. Microsoft Corporation. New York This is a library of any type of information you would need to find. It is an electronic encyclopedia.

Encarta's Reference Library. (2003). Poetry. Microsoft Corporation. New York There is a complete write up on the history of poetry. It discusses all of the variations of poetry from classic to modern contributed by Karen Volkman.

Gangewere, R. Jay. (1998).From Paris to Pittsburgh- Sailing on the Normandie. Pittsburgh: The Carnegie

A look at the Normandie and a discussion of what it was like to travel on it by museum supporters. It has pictures of travelers and the grand salon where the Chariot of Aurora is located.

Giovanni, Nikki. (1971). Spin a Soft Black Song ñ Song Poems for Children. New

York: Hill and Wang

A book concentrating on an African American theme about children and their experiences.

Goldish, Meish. (1993). Thematic Poems Songs and Finger plays: 45 Irresistible Rhymes and Activities to Build Literacy. New York. Scholastic Inc.

This is an activity book with poems and lessons to supplement other themes in your class room.

Hellman, Priscilla. (1965). New York: A Merry Mouse Book of Favorite Poems.

This is a collection of happy poems in various forms to be read to children.

Hughes, Langston. A Collection of Poems. (1994). New York: Alfred A. Knoff Inc.

This is a collection of lightly written children's poems by the author.

Office of Literacy Plus. (2005). Elementary Reading/Writing Portfolio. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh Public Schools This booklet has a complete listing of the requirements for each grade level to complete portfolios.

Silverstein, Shel. (1974). Where the Sidewalk Ends the poems and drawing. New York: Harper and Row This is a book of collection of his poems and illustrations. It is a fun book to use on a daily basis.

The Beck Group. Text Talk. (2002). University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. The Beck Group

A handbook that comes with a workshop that teaches ways for students to get the most from reading. The development of the student's comprehension skills is related to the text that is read.

Classroom Books

Lansky, Bruce. and Stephen Carpenter. (1991). Kids Pick the Funniest Poems. New York: Meadow Brook Press

This is a combination of a collection of popular children's poems. They are very funny and in all different forms.

Lansky, Bruce. and Stephen Carpenter. (2004) Mary had a Little Jam and other Silly Rhymes. New York: Meadow Brook Press

This is a book that had input from kindergarten teachers. It is a collection of rhymes.

Lee, Dennis. and Jack Prelutsky and Debbie Tillie. (1977). Dinosaur Dinner with a Slice of Alligator Pie. New York: Scholastic Inc.

A book of silly and exaggerated poems.

Trapani, Iza. (1996). I'm a Little Teapot. Massachusetts: Coyote Press This is a book of rhymes done in over twenty five variations of the title.


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