Teacher Bibliography
Cook, Roy J., Ed. One Hundred and One Famous Poems. Illinois: Contemporary Publishing Group, 1975. Several of the poems on my suggested reading list are in this book. Wonderful collection of poems!
Giovanni, Nikki. Love Poems. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1997. This book contains poems about relationships and feelings. Good stuff for older students.
Greenberg, Jan, Ed. Heart to Heart: New poems Inspired by Twentieth Century American Art. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 2001. This book would be good to use when the students are beginning their own writing. There are several poems and pictures to use as models.
Heard, Georgia. Awakening the Heart: Exploring Poetry in Elementary and Middle School. New Hampshire: Heinemann, 1998. A great resource that will inspire the teacher as well as the student.
Janeczko, Paul. Opening a Door: Reading Poetry in the Middle School Classroom. New York: Scholastic, 2004. More great classroom ideas!
Knorr, Jeff. An Introduction to Poetry: The River Sings. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc., 2004. Great ideas for teaching poetry with several poems as examples.
Koch, Kenneth. Rose, Where Did You Get That Red? New York: Random House, 1973. Great ideas for student writing. Several examples of student poems are in the book which can be used as models when your students write their own poems.
Madden, David. A Pocketful of Poems: Vintage Verse. Florida: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1996. A collection of many poems from, traditional to contemporary.
Writers Corp. Paint Me Like I Am. New: Harper Collins, 2003. A book of original works by teens from all over. Great ideas to inspire your writers.