A Curriculum Unit in Poetry for Vocational Students
Raymond F. Theilacker
Published September 2005
Appendix B. Rubric for Vocational Poem and Analytic Scale
(table available in print form)
- The writer has made a very successful effort to use assonant and consonant sound, or
- onomatopoeia which supports the poem's topic
- The writer has clearly made some effort to use assonant and consonant sound, or onomatopoeia appropriate to the
poem's topic
- The writer has made little effort to use assonant and consonant sound, or onomatopoeia
- The writer has made no effort to use assonant and consonant sound, or onomatopoeia
- 4- The writer has effectively employed rhythms and meter appropriate to the poem's topic
- 3- The writer has mostly employed rhythms and meter appropriate to the poem's topic
- 2- The writer includes some identifiable rhythm or meter to the poem
- 1- The writer has employed no identifiable rhythm or meter appropriate to the poem
- 4- The writer has carefully chosen a few figures of language to engagingly support the
poem's topic
- 3- The writer has carefully chosen at least one figure that mainly support the poem's
- 2- The writer has chosen at least one figure, but which has little or no effect on the
- 1- The writer has not employed any figures of language in the poem
- The writer employs sensory imagery to great effect
- The writer employs sensory imagery to some effect
- The writer employs sensory imagery to extraneous or to no effect
- The writer does not employ words or phrasing to any imagistic effect
- 4- The chosen form of the poem is important and meaningful to its topic development
- 3- The chosen form of the poem is appropriate to its topic development
- 2- The chosen form of the poem is inconsequential to its topic development
- 1- The chosen form of the poem is inappropriate or non-existent
- 4- The writer has created identifiable, predominant emotion(s) in the poem with great power
- 3- The writer has created identifiable, predominant emotion(s) in the poem to some
- 2- The writer has created identifiable emotion(s) in the poem, but to little or
contradictory effect
- 1- The writer has created no sense of emotion in the poem