"A Brief Overview of Confessional Poetry." Online. www.
/5650. July 9, 2005. Available. This site established by the American Academy
of Poets is a quick, but thorough, read that provides links to important confessional poets and their work.
"A Brief Overview of Imagism." Online. www.
July 9, 2005. Available. Also set up by the American Academy of Poets, this site
explains major tenets of this movement while also providing a sample poem with
careful articulation as to how it fits the Imagist movement. There are also links to
key poets and their poetry.
Beers, Kylene. When Kids Can't Read What Teachers Can Do. Heinemann: New
Hampshire, 2003.A must-read for teachers who truly want to develop
independent readers. This book is best used as a handbook, but its natural,
narrative style makes it easy to read. The information about strategies and how
to incorporate them into my teaching were inspired by this writer.
Brooks, and Warren. Understanding Poetry. Heinle and Heinle: United States, 1978.A
fundamental resource for teachers, this fourth edition provides accessible and
foundational information for understanding key aspects of poetry, so that you can
pass that knowledge on to your students. It provides study questions and
supplemental poems so that you can review key concepts.
Woolf, Virginia. To the Lighthouse. Harcourt: New York, 1955.This novel is not only
classic, but is helpful in helping one get a sense of how fathers are remembered.
It's by no means a "necessity" for a successful progression through this unit, but
can be helpful to teachers as they prepare to deal with this thematic content.
Yezzi, David. "Confessional Poetry and the Artifice of Honesty." The New Criterion Online.
June, 1998.This Internet resource is easy to read and provides not only
basics of confessional poetry, but also key links to other helpful sites to
poets, poems and other movements in poetic expression.