Art and Identity in Mexico, from Olmec Times to the Present


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Rationale
  2. Playing the Game
  3. Meaning of the Game
  4. Conflict Resolution
  5. Olympic Games
  6. Modern Olympic Games
  7. Sports and Athletics in the United States
  8. Sports, Athletics, and War
  9. 1968 Olympics
  10. Conflict Resolution and the 1968 Olympics
  11. Appendix # 1: Bul: A Mayan Game of Chance
  12. Appendix # 2
  13. Appendix # 3: The Maya Ballgame
  14. Annotated Bibliography
  15. Web Sites
  16. Appendix # 4: Teacher Resource
  17. Appendix # 5: Standards

Conflict and Resolution through Sports: A Question of Civil Rights: The 1968 Olympics and Tlatelolco

Carol M. Petett

Published September 2005

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix # 2

1. The Crystal Skull Game
2. Partial List of Myths and Legends of the Aztecs

Welcome to the Crystal Skull

The Crystal Skull is an interactive first-person role playing game. Because this game is web-based, your game data (such as the items in your inventory, the skills you have obtained and the places you may have already been) will be lost if you remain inactive for more than 30 minutes. For this reason, we suggest that you save your game whenever you may be away from your computer. When you return to the game, simply load your saved game. Both the 'Save Game' and 'Load Game' buttons are in the setup menus (the icon looks like a sliding bar).

The sliding-bar icon also takes you to a read-out of your score. You start with 100 points. Ten points are deducted every time you die. Ten points are added every time you successfully answer a quiz question, and ten are deducted if you answer wrong. The best possible score is 225.

(image available in print form)

The Crystal Skull Game (no plug-in required)

The Crystal Skull Movie (requires Quicktime 3)

The following partial list of Aztec Myths and Legends is from the website:

1. Qmeteotl, the creative force, god of fire and time
2. Tezcatlipoca, son of Qmeteotl, direction is north, color is black, the biggest and baddest son.
3. Quetzalcoatl, son of Qmeteotl, direction of the setting sun, color is white
4. Aztlan, ancestral home where the Aztecs originated
5. Coatlicue, A Goddess, mother of Huitzilopochtli
6. Huitzilopochtli, led the Aztecs on their migration
7. Malinalxoch, sister of Huitzilopochtli, and a sorceress
8. Chapultepec, first settlement of the Aztec after their migration
9. Copil, sorcerer son of Malinallxoch
10. Tenochitlan, an island in a lagoon where the Aztec settled
11. Motecuhzoma I, tried to find the ancestral home, Aztlan, of the Aztec
12. Teotihuacan, Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Moon
13. Quetzalcoatl, a Tula King, disgraced himself and went into exile. He ascended to heaven and became the morning star Venus. He was to return in the year One Reed, the year Cortez came to Central America.
14. Olmecs, preceded the Maya, called the "Mother Culture" of Mesoamerican culture
15. Chichen Itza, the most powerful and influential Maya City in the 10th century AD
16. Palenque, the Jewel City of the Classic Maya period


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