Essential Questions
Should the government use art to influence the behavior of its citizens?
Should government resources (tax money) be used to pay artists for their work?
What is the value of art to the community?
Donna H. Sussman
Published September 2005
Should the government use art to influence the behavior of its citizens?
Should government resources (tax money) be used to pay artists for their work?
What is the value of art to the community?
Mexican muralists
I found your page to be very informative and interesting. I would be interested in having more information.
your site helped me with my review of related literature for my playwriting thesis
Andrew Robinson mural
Could you please help me locate the WPA mural you described at Andrew Robinson Elementary School in Jacksonville. I am writing an independent study about the WPA in Jacksonville; today I visited with the principal there and she did not know about the mural. Do you recall its location in the school? The address of the school? Or who you dealt with when you visited the artwork? Thanks. Dianne
Great resource
Do you have any curriculum around Chicago based WPA murals?