www. The Virginia Department of Education's website. Virginia Standards of Learning can be found on this site along with numerous links to teacher resources and kid-friendly sites. Oregon's ACLU site contains teacher resources and provides learning tools for children. Provides a way for teachers to teach their students about Civil Liberties. The Asking Sybil Liberty flyers can be accessed from this site. The American Civil Liberties Union home page. This site is where you can buy copies of Asking Sybil Liberty.
www. This site provides information on all aspects of the Jim Crow Laws. There are several sections on this site to choose from. The sections include: History, Teacher Resources, Geography, and American Literature. This is the exact site students will use to find their information on court cases in Virginia that occurred during the Jim Crow Era. This site can be used by children in any state, as all the states that Jim Crow affected are on this map and have information pertaining to cases specific to that state. If students are not from a Jim Crow state, they may choose a state in which they are interested.