War and Civil Liberties


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  6. Annotated Bibliography for Teachers
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Science, Safety, and Civil Liberties

Victoria R. Brown

Published September 2005

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Annotated Bibliography for Teachers

Center for Disease Control and Prevention, "Anthrax: What You Need to Know," http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/anthrax/needtoknow.asp, accessed on July 27, 2005. A useful summary by the nation's leading agency for disease control.

Goldenberg, Anna, Galit Shmueli, Richard A. Caruana, and Stephen E. Fienberg. "Early statistical detection of anthrax outbreaks by tracking over-the-counter medication sales." http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/99/8/5237, accessed on July 29, 2005. Useful information on uses of anthrax as a biological weapon as well as ways to combat it.

Leppla, S. (2001). A dominant-negative therapy for anthrax." http://www.nature.com/cgitaf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nm/journal/v7/n6/full/nm0601_659.html, accessed on Web site July 25, 2005. Article discusses anthrax and its effects as a preventive and therapeutic vaccine.

Radiant Justice Terrorism Series, "Civil Liberties." http://htdconnect.com/~ige/rj/terror7.html, accessed on July 25, 2005. Discussion of civil liberties and terrorism tensions by a Michigan activist group.

Rainwater, Janette. 2001. "About Anthrax." http://www.janrainwater.com/htdocs/AboutAnthrax.htm, accessed on July 25, 2005. Includes facts, useful links, and critical analysis of the U.S. government's responses to the anthrax scare.

Rosenzweig, Paul. 2003. "Securing Freedom and the Nation: Collecting Intelligence Under the Law." http://www.heritage.org/Research/HomelandDefense/TST040903.cfm, accessed August 19, 2005.

New Jersey Health Association. "Update: Investigation of Bioterrorism-Related anthrax and Interim guidelines for clinical evaluation of persons with possible Anthrax." http://www.njha.com/njresponse/pdf/MMWR-110201.pdf, accessed on July 29, 2005. CDC report details anthrax incidents and discusses guidelines for evaluating persons with anthrax.

Washington Post. "Articles about Anthrax." http://www.anthraxinvestigation.com/washpost.html, accessed on August 19, 2005. A compilation of articles and editorials on the anthrax attacks.


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