War and Civil Liberties


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Objectives
  4. Strategies
  5. Lesson Plans
  6. Teacher Bibliography
  7. Student Reading List
  8. Classroom Materials and Resources
  9. Notes

Citizen Voices in Peace and War: A Portal into Ap English Lit

Barbara M. Dowdall

Published September 2005

Tools for this Unit:


1. New Haven: Yale, 2003, 59.
2. The Quotations and Sayings Database. 1996-2005, at http://www.quotesandsayings.com/. Accessed 14 August 2005.
3. Richard Wright, American Hunger (New York: Harper, 1944) 45.
4. Mottram, 25, 24.
5. Lanning, 168.
6. Albany Times Union, 7 Oct. 2003, B6.
7. Petersons, 55
8. New York: Harcourt, 1938; Harbinger ed. 1963
9. Rogers M. Smith, "Civil Liberties in the Brave New World of Antiterrorism" (Radical History Review: Issue 93, Fall 2005) 170.
10. William Rehnquist, All the Laws but One (New York: Vintage, 1998) 6-7, 21.
11. "Teamwork on Terrorism." Editorial. Boston Globe 16 July 2005, sec. A: 18.
12. Jarrett Murphy, "Terror by the Numbers." http://villagevoice.com/news/0530,murphy2,6626,5.html>
13. "It's the Age of Terror: What Would You Do?" 28 July 2005, A25.
14. Mark Sherman, "FBI confirms it has files on ACLU, Greenpeace, others." Philadelphia Inquirer 18 July 2005: A3.
15. "Pataki Warns Cultural Groups," NY Times, 25 July 2005, B1+.
16. Juan Williams, "In Search of A. Philip Randolph," PBS.org, 2001, 16 Dec. 2001 http://www.pbs.org/weta/apr/juanwms.html.
17. "Marquis (sic) at Last," opinionjournal.com. 17 Jan. 2003. Wall Street Journal. 27 July 2005 http://www.opinionjournal.com/taste.
18. "APRI Biographies, apri.org, 2005, A. Philip Randolph Institute 27 July 2005 http://www.apri.org/indexx.php?disp.
19. "The House I Live In," Songfacts, 2005. 12 Mar. 2005 http://www.songfacts.com/detail.lasso?id=2306.
20. Obituary, Philadelphia Inquirer, 23 July 1991, A14.
21. James W. Loewen, Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995, 245-7.
22. Academic Standards for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. Pennsylvania Department of Education, www.pde.state.pa.us
23. Dr. Chet Wichowski and David Garnes, "Are Readers Implementing Reciprocal Teaching Strategy?" Temple University Reading Project, October 2002.
24. John Locke, Literary Encyclopedia, 2005, 13 August 2005 http://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=8505.
25. Jean Jacques Rousseau, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 13 Aug. 2005, 15 Aug 2005 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Jacques-Rousseau.
26. "Declaration of Independence adopted…" The African American Registry, 2005, Schomburg Center for research in Black Culture 4 July 2005 http://www.aaregistry.com/detail.php3?id=613.
27. Declaration of Independence, U.S. Archives, 2005 12 July 2005 http://www.archives.gov/national-archives-experience/charters.
28. U.S. Constitution, U.S. Archives, 2005 12 July 2005 http://www.archives.gov/national-archives-experience/charters.
29. Frederick Douglass, "The Meaning of the Fourth of July for the Negro," Africans in America, 2005 28 July 2005 http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part 4/4h 2927.html>.
30. William Safire, "The Jailing of Judith Miller," New York Times, 29 June 2005, A23.
31. "U.S. Army Linguists Fired for Being Gay," Associated Press, 15 Nov. 2002, Common Dreams News Center 3 Aug 2005 http://www.commondreams.org/headlines02/1115-3htm.
32. William Rehnquist, All the Laws but One, 1998, p. 81, 116, 129.
33. —. 172-74; Linfield, 1990, 33
34. Langston Hughes, "Voices and Visions," The New York Center for Visual History, 1988.


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