War and Civil Liberties


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Content
  4. Fire Worship/Ceremony
  5. Strategies
  6. Lesson Plans w/Standards
  7. Bibliography

Biblioclasm: The Organized Destruction of Books

Jayme H. Hicks

Published September 2005

Tools for this Unit:

Lesson Plans w/Standards

*Note to teachers: The FCAT (Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test) is the test by which all students are measured. Students must achieve a level three (1-5) on the 10th grade test in order to receive a regular high school diploma. 2005 saw the implementation of the retention policy that states any student that scores a level 1 will be retained in that grade regardless of any other factors. 75% of our students score below level 3.

Lesson Plan #1: Previewing and Marking Texts (3-4) 53 minute class periods

Objective: The student will utilize appropriate pre-reading strategies as well as marking techniques to understand the text and demonstrate comprehension by correctly identifying the main idea and correctly determining the author's purpose and point of view.

Materials: Overhead projector, The Parts of a Candle

Use assorted colored construction paper, glue sticks, markers or crayons, Popsicle sticks, hole-puncher and string (Fire).

Articles: "Fires Ignited by Matches and Lighters" and "The Dangers of Fireworks." See U.S.F.A articles in bibliography.

Part I: Using the candle illustration, we will begin to discuss fire. Based on that illustration the students will make their own 3-D candle out of construction paper. Using an 8 ½" x 11" size colored paper, the students will be able to decorate their paper as they wish and then secure the popsicle stick on the paper with about 1 ½ " sticking out. They next roll the paper into a tube shape and secure. The students should design their flame and secure it to the stick, then use the hole-puncher to make a hole in the top of the flame. Students then will use the string to hang the flames up in the classroom.

Part II: The teacher will next introduce pre-reading strategies using the matches and lighters article. It is important that arrangements are made for all students to have their own copy. Using the overhead projector model, the teacher will show how to mark an informational text for comprehension. See appendix for comprehension questions we will answer as a class as well short response writing prompts for this article.

Part III: Students will demonstrate understanding with the fireworks article using pre-reading strategies, marking techniques, and comprehension questions, as well as one short and one extended response. See appendix.

Methods of Evaluation: Informal teacher assessment completing the GO's and marking the texts. Formal assessment FCATñtype multiple choice questions. Short and Extended writing responses.

Standards (Florida Sunshine State Standards)

LA.A.1.4.1 The student selects and uses pre-reading strategies that are appropriate to the text such as discussion, making predictions, brainstorming, generating questions and previewing to anticipate content, purpose and organization of a reading selection.
LA.A.1.4.2 The student selects and uses strategies to understand words and texts, and to make and confirm inferences from what is read, including interpreting diagrams, graphs and statistical illustrations.
LA.A.1.4.4 The student applies a variety of response strategies, including rereading, note taking, summarizing, outlining, writing a formal report and relating what is read to his or her own experiences and feelings.
LA.S.2.4.1 The student determines the main idea and identifies relevant details, methods of development and their effectiveness in a variety of types of written material.
LA.A.2.4.2 The student determines the author's purpose and point of view and their effects on the text.

Lesson Plan #2: Writing and Reflecting Short and Extended Responses* (2) 53 minute class periods

Objective: The student will utilize pre-writing strategies and synthesize information from multiple sources included personal experience to respond to images.

Materials: Slide projector or LCD projector, images of several different types of fire. Images that are in the free domain are easy to find via Google.com Image search. Be sure to include burning crosses and forest fires, not just warming fires.

Part I

Project each image on the screen one at a time. Give sufficient time for students to reflect upon the image and free-write feelings, thoughts and observations on the image.

It is important to show the images from good to bad for the proper effect.

Part II

Students will complete the short and extended writing response that will require the student to synthesize information all sources thus far to produce a completed response.

Method of Evaluation: Assessment of the responses based on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test short and extended response rubric.

*There are no writing responses on the 9th grade FCAT. There are on the 10th grade. Based on our 10th grade writing scores it is clear we must do a better job in 9th grade to prepare them for this assessment. Therefore, our writing evaluations are all based on the FCAT writing rubric that the students will have in their notebooks at all times.


LA.A.2.4.8 The student synthesizes information from multiple sources to draw conclusions.

LA.B.1.4.1 The student selects and uses appropriate prewriting strategies, such as brainstorming, graphic organizers and outlining.

LA.B.1.4.2 The student drafts and revises.

LA.B.1.4.3 The student produces final documents that have been edited.

LA.B.2.4.2 The student organizes information using appropriate systems.

Lesson Plan #3: Poetry—The Myth of the Phoenix

Objective: Students will utilize pre-reading and marking strategies for poetry. The students will identify symbolism and metaphor.

Materials: "The Phoenix Bird" by Hans Christen Andersen and the Rise of the Phoenix poem. See bibliography for link. An LCD projector with computer and internet access is needed.

Part I

Students will identify the meaning of each stanza, symbolism and metaphors. I will do the first paragraph with the students.

Part II

Students will complete the analysis of each paragraph. Following a class discussion of the poem I will show the students the drawings on the MythicalRealm website (Rise of the Phoenix). Then students will create their own version of a Phoenix that will be connected via string to the candle that they made on the first day. All of their creative endeavors for this lesson will be linked together and hang in the classroom for a visual representation of fire-to-myth-ceremony-symbol-book-burning-control-empower. It will also visualize that synthesizing information from multiple sources, standard as well as a host of others.

Method of Evaluation: Students will briefly present their interpretation of the Phoenix to class.


LA.S.2.4.1 The student determines the main idea and identifies relevant details, methods of development and their effectiveness in a variety of types of written material.

LA.A.2.4.3 The student describes and evaluates personal preferences regarding fiction and nonfiction.

LA.A.2.4.8 The student synthesizes information from multiple sources to draw conclusions.

LA.C.1.4.1 The student selects and uses appropriate listening strategies according to the intended purpose.

LA.C.1.4.3 The student uses effective strategies for informal and formal discussions.

LA.D.1.4.1 The student applies and understands that language and literature are primary means by which culture is transmitted.

LA.D.2.4.1 The student understands specific ways in which language has shaped the reactions, perceptions and beliefs of the local, national and global communities.

LA.D.2.4.2 The student understands the subtleties of literary devices and techniques in the comprehension and creation of communication.

LA.D.1.4.3 The student identifies universal themes prevalent in the literature of all cultures.


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