Resources for Teachers
Discovery Communication, Inc., Discovery Schools Curriculum center for teachers with teaching tools, lesson plans, and information on Discovery programs; also resources and activities for students.
Gaidos, E. et al. "Beyond the Principle of Plentitude: A Review of Terrestrial Planet Habitability. Astrobiology 5, 100-126 (2005). A current journal article that reviews recent work on habitability of terrestrial planets like the Earth.
Liebert, Mary Ann Index to citations of articles on Astrobiology in professional journals.
Matsos, Helen, Chief Editor Astrobiology Magazine: Search for Life in the Universe Affiliated with NASA's Ames Research Center. Articles, information, and discussion groups for the "Astrobiology Community".
NASA Ames Research Center Astrobiology Science Conference; past and future conference information.
NASA Ames Research Center Complete text of The NASA Astrobiology Roadmap composed of 7 goals; final version September 2003.
NASA Ames Research Center Astroventure Teacher and Parent links, resources, and educator guide. Students in grades 5-8 role-play, search for, and build a planet for human habitation.
NASA Astrobiology Institute Website gives background information on NAI, links users to NASA sites for teachers and students, and links users to "Ask an Astrobiologist", to newsletters, to events, and to NAI partners.
NASA Central Operation of Resources for Educators (CORE) The worldwide distribution center for NASA-produced multimedia materials; educators may purchase materials for a minimal charge.
NASA Education NASA Education homepage.
NASAexplores Express Lessons and Online Resources.
NASA Johnson Space Center Institute for the Study of Biomarkers in Astromaterials Fingerprints of Life Classroom Activities include "Searching for Life", "Extremophiles", "Classification", and more using slide shows and PDF files.
NASA Space Mysteries Teacher resources for Space Mysteries curriculum.
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) The Science Teacher February 2005 Volume 72. Focus is on "Our Place in the Universe" Includes CD Cosmic Evolution from Big Bang to Humankind.
National Teachers Enhancement Network Online course for certified middle and high school teachers PHYS 582-01 ASTROBIOLOGY FOR TEACHERS.
Plait, Phil Astronomer at Sonoma State University, California. Website explains misconceptions and misuse of astronomy including popular movies
SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Private, nonprofit organization to explore, understand and explain life in the universe. Astrobiology Summer Science Experience for Teachers (ASSET), a science and curriculum institute for high school science teachers. Voyages Through Time curriculum for high school, Life in the Universe Teaching Guides, and more.
TERC Astrobiology An Integrated Science Approach a full-year, inquiry-based, integrated science high school curriculum offered from TERC.
TERC Downloadable Educator Resource Guide for Astrobiology in your classroom Life on Earth . . . and elsewhere? Hands-on activities for Grades 5 ñ 10 including instructions and student worksheets.
UCLA Center for Astrobiology Focus is on Extrasolar Planetary Systems, Habitability within the Solar System, Earth's Early Environment and Life, and Evolution of Biological Complexity.
WGBH Educational Foundation NOVA Origins Four-part NOVA miniseries originally aired 2004 (repeated 2005) "Journey back to the beginning of everything, the universe, Earth, and life itself." Teachers can use for up to one year after taping; downloadable 8-page Teacher's Guide with student handouts. Students can access slide shows, interviews, and more at website.
Zike, Dinah Dinah Zike is know for her three-dimensional, educational manipulatives that help students "organize, display, and arrange data".