Cahill, Christopher, ed. Gather Round Me: The Best of Irish Popular Poetry. Boston:
Beacon Press, 2004.
Chaudhuri, Shonini, and Howard Finn. "The Open Image: Poetic Realism and the New
Iranian Cinema." Screen. 44:1 Spring 2003. Pp 38-57.
Although I quote from it, I found this article confusing and of limited relevance to the overall goals of the teaching unit.
Corrigan, Timothy. A Short Guide to Writing about Film. NewYork:
Pearson/Longman, 2004.
This slim volume contains many good ideas for writing assignments of varying levels of difficulty.
Corrigan, Timothy, and Patricia White. The Film Experience: An Introduction. Boston:
Bedford/St. Martin's, 2004.
This text-book style reader is perfect for both teachers and students alike to familiarize themselves with the basic vocabulary of film studies.
Dabashi, Hamid. Close Up: Iranian Cinema, Past, Present, and Future. London: Verso,
I found this book to be very informative and readable; the author's straightforward prose style makes much of the content accessible to high school age readers, as well.
Fischer, Michael M.J. Mute Dreams, Blind Owls, and Dispersed Knowledges;
Persian Poesis in the Transnational Circuitry. London: Duke University Press,
Fulton, Robin, trans. Preparations for Flight and Other Swedish Short Stories. London:
Forest Books, 1990.
Hempel, Amy and Jim Shepard, eds. Unleashed: Poems by Writer's Dogs. New York:
Three Rivers Press, 1995.
Niane, D.T., Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali. Longman, 1994.
Thackway, Melissa. Africa Shoots Back: Alternative Perspectives in Sub-Saharan
Francophone African Film. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2003.
Voices and Poetry of Ireland. Naperville: Sourcebooks Inc., 2005
This book contains a CD featuring dramatic readings of the poems by Irish persons of national or international renown.