End Notes
1. In Spanish would be las Tropas Moras and la Legión (extranjera). The term moro is disrespectful and offensive today so I prefer to use the term Army of Africa instead.
2. San Fermín (or San Fermines) festivity is a deeply-rooted week-long celebration held in Pamplona (Navarre) annually from 6 July to 14 July. It involves many traditional and folkloric events, as well a the famous "encierros".
3. The Assault Guards were special police units created by the Spanish Republic in 1931 to deal with urban violence.
4. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/malraux.htm
5. There is an exhaustive analysis (in Spanish) of both versions in Dos Versiones de Raza, http://www.nodulo.org/ec/2005/n044p14.htm
6. The UFA (Universum Film AG) was the principal film studio in Germany during the Weimar Republic and the Second World War.
7. The Boletín Oficial del Estado (B.O.E.) is the Official Newspaper of the State. It is the organ of publication of Laws and Dispositions and acts of obligatory insertion. The B.O.E. also contains the Laws approved in the General Court, the dispositions of the Government of the Nation and the general dispositions of the Autonomic Communities even though these would also be published in the Official newspapers of their own Autonomy.
El Boletín Oficial del Estado, diario oficial del Estado, es el órgano de publicación de las Leyes, disposiciones y actos de inserción obligatoria.
En España, El Boletín Oficial del Estado contiene además de las Leyes producidas en el seno de las Cortes Generales, las disposiciones emanadas del Gobierno de la Nación, Imagen de portada del BOE las disposiciones generales de las Comunidades Autónomas, con independencia de que éstas se publiquen asimismo en los Diarios Oficiales de la propia Autonomía.
8. Timothy Corrigan and Patricia White. The Film Experience: An Introduction. Bedford/St. MartinÂ's.
9. Howard Gardner. Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York, 1983.
10. http://www.guerracivil1936.galeon.com/canciones.htm
11. Manuel Rivas. ¿Qué me quieres amor?. Punto de Lectura, 2003.
12. Carlos García Santa Cecilia. Corresponsales en la Guerra de España. Fundación Pablo Iglesias e Instituto Cervantes. July 2006.
13. Miguel Hernández. Viento del Pueblo. Cátedra Letras Hispánicas. Madrid, 1989.
14. There are a couple of computer programs to do so.
15. I will be showing the movie through my computer and the Smart Board since the copy I have is coded for region 2 (and movies in the United States are region 1).
16. Viento del Pueblo: Miguel Hernández (Spain, José Ramón Larraz, 2002)
17. Miguel Hernández. Cancionero y Romancero de Ausencias. Cátedra Letras Hispánicas. Madrid 1984.
18. http://mhernandez.narod.ru/1939.htm
I would suggest editing it in order to make it shorter and more readable for the students.
19. Homenaje Flamenco a Miguel Hernández. Enrique Morente. Hispavox S.A. 2003.
There is another version of the poem by Joan Manuel Serrat in 24 Páginas Inolvidables. BMG Music Spain, SA. 2000. (I will be using the flamenco version since I will be teaching a flamenco unit to this same class.)