Annotated Bibliography
Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart, expanded edition with notes ( London: Heinemann, 1996) . There are eight million copies of this wonderful book in print in fifty different languages. The story is of a strong African man whose life falls apart, full of ceremony and parables.
Andrew, Dudley, seminar, Storytelling around the World in Film New Haven, CT., 2006. Dr. Andrew is R. Seldon Rose Professor of film and Comparative Literature at Yale University. He taught me the essentials of storytelling in foreign film.
Bakari, Imruh, and Cham, Mbye B. African Experiences of Cinema. ( London: British Film Institute, 1996) . Written by African nationals, this book gives a serious look at the challenges facing African producers.
Champoux, Joseph E., "Film as a Teaching Resource," Journal of Management Inquiry, 2 August 1999. Submitted as a dissertation, this manuscript contains basic information about film conventions.
Corrigan, Timothy and Patricia White, The Film Experience (Boston: Bedford/St Martin's, 2004) . The premier text on understanding film, its production, conventions, and intricacies is complete with a myriad of photos.
Fellows-Walters, Andrea. interview by Claudia Miller, Santa Fe Opera, Santa Fe, NM, 18 June, 2006 . Andrea is the education outreach coordinator for the Santa Fe Opera. She adores anything that enhances the arts in education.
Harrow, Kenneth W. Postcolonial and Feminist Readings (Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press, Inc., 2001) . There are important items in this book dealing with the treatment of women in African films.
Hay, Margaret Jean. African Novels in the Classroom (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 2000) . Point out this book to students; it has tales from most African countries.
Jahner, Elaine, "The Oral Tradition: An Interview With Leslie Marmon Silko," Book Forum International Transdisciplinary Quarterly 5 (1990) . Silko is a Native American writer whose themes closely reflect those of other ethnic storytellers.
Johnson, John William, Thomas A. Hale, and Stephen Belchers, eds. Oral Epics from Africa: Vibrant Voices from a Vast Continent. ( Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1997) . The African epic is the basis for the griot's performance. There are many here.
Killam, G.D. The Writings of Chinua Achebe. ( London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1980) . Achebe is not only famous for the book we are studying. He is a prolific writer.
Kracauer, S. Theory of film: The redemption of Physical Reality. ( New York: Oxford University Press, 1973) . This is an interesting read about the history of film with all of its societal impacts.
Niane, D.T. Sundiata an epic of old Mali. (Essex: Longman, 2004) . Sundiata is the epic which must be mastered in order to teach this unit.
Okechukwy, Chinwe Christiana. Achebe the Orator. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001) . The text gives accounts of Achebe's ability to interact with many different audiences.
Pfaff, Francoise. Focus on African Films. (Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 2004) . There are listings of African films with details about them which are important.
Scheub, Harold. The African Storyteller: Stories from African Oral Traditions. (Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1999) . This wonderful book includes many black and white pictures of storytellers in Africa and contains a wealth of rite-of-passage stories from many African cultures.
Shelton, Austin J. "The 'Palm-Oil ' of Language: Proverbs in Chinua Achebe's Novels" Modern Language Quarterly 30.1 1969, 89-111. Achebe's amazing use of proverbs is celebrated in this book.
Soyinka, Wole. Myth, Literature and the African World. ( Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990) . Soyinka is one of the best West African writers and a critic of national politics. This book is a great read for a teacher who needs to know even more about the daily lives, hopes, and dissatisfactions of young Nigerians.
Keita: The Heritage of the Griot , prod. and dir. Dani Kouyate, 94 min. Burkina Faso, 1994 , videocassette.
Wend Kuuni , prod. and dir. Gaston Kabore. 75min. , Burkina Faso, 1983 , videocassette.
What Do We Know About Africa? 32 min. Boston University, 1995 , videocassette.
Student Bibliography
Wisniewski, David. Sundiata: Lion King of Mali (New York: Clarion Books, 1999) . This picture book clearly elucidates the Sundiata epic; it's a great resource.
Hay, Margaret Jean. African Novels in the Classroom (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 2000) . The tales from different African countries are readable by most seventh graders or can be read to one another.