The Supreme Court in American Political History


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. Objectives
  4. Strategies
  5. Lesson Plan Format
  6. Annotated Bibliography

Why Do We Have to Rely on the Supreme Court? An Interactive Examination of How the Supreme Court Shapes Policy through Individual Rights and Public Opinion

Florilis Davis

Published September 2006

Tools for this Unit:

Lesson Plan Format

The Judicial Branch

Duration : 4-6 Days

Concepts : The Federal Courts protect the right of the people

Grade Level : Grade 09,Grade 10,Grade 11,Grade 12

Subject : Social Studies - High


Sunshine State Standards:

Florida STATE FL Social Studies Curriculum Framework (2005)

Grades 9-12

Strand C: Government and the Citizen [Civics and Government]

Standard 1: The student understands the structure, functions, and purposes of government and how the principles and values of American democracy are reflected in American constitutional government. (SS.C.1.4)

Benchmark SS.C.1.4.3: understands how the overall design and specific features of the Constitution prevent the abuse of power by aggregating power at the national, state, and local levels; dispersing power among different levels of government; and using a system of checks and balances (e.g., federalism).

NCEE Performance Standard : The student demonstrates understanding of:

E2f—producing a reflective essay

E3b—participating in group meetings

E4b—analyzing and revising work to clarify the intended message or thought.

Enduring Understandings : The Judicial Branch serves as the watchdog of government and the protector of Constitutional rights.

Essential Questions : 1- Should the role of the federal courts be expanded?

2- Should the Supreme Court have the power to override legislative and executive activity.

Knowledge and Skills :


  • Role and structure of the courts
  • Appointment process, term of office, method of removal for judges and justices
  • Public Opinion
  • How a case reaches the Supreme Court
  • Cases- Brown vs. Board of Education and Gideon vs. Wainwright
  • Protection of individual rights
  • Oversight role of the courts


  • Reading and decoding
  • Organizing information
  • Persuasive writing
  • Critical thinking
  • Analysis

Required Performance Tasks :

  • Students will create a data chart displaying the three levels of Federal courts and the special jurisdictions of the courts at each level.
  • Students will create a position paper ("briefs") that supports the landmark decision of Brown vs. Board of Education and Gideon vs. Wainwright and how the Supreme Court shapes individual rights and public opinion.

Alternate Performance Tasks : Students will make a flow chart explaining how a case makes it to the Supreme Court.

Strategies : The student will describe the function and organization of the Judicial Branch and its role in protecting the balance of power in the American Constitutional system:

  • identify the purpose and duties of the Judicial branch as prescribed by Article III of the Constitution.
  • examine the structure of the Federal Court System including the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • explain the appointment process for Federal judges and Supreme Court Justices and the length of their term of office.
  • explain the concept of jurisdiction in relation to the Federal Courts system.


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