The Supreme Court in American Political History


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. Objectives
  4. Teaching Strategies
  5. Lesson 1: Defining Justice and Its role in the Constitution
  6. Lesson 2: Brown v. Board of Education: Justice in Action
  7. Lesson 3: Reaction to the Court's Ruling to Desegregate Public Schools
  8. Works Cited
  9. Supreme Court Cases Cited
  10. Teacher Suggested Reading List
  11. Student Suggested Reading List
  12. Websites
  13. Appendix
  14. Materials and Resources for Lesson Plans

Justice in Action: Reactions to Brown v. Board of Education

K. Gothie

Published September 2006

Tools for this Unit:

Student Suggested Reading List

Beals, M. Warriors don't cry: A searing memoir of the battle to integrate little rock's central high. Simon and Schuster, 1994.

Bullard, S. Free at last: A history of the civil rights movement and those who died in the struggle. Oxford University Press, 1993.

Bridges, R. Through my eyes. Scholastic, 1999.

Coles, R. The Story of ruby bridges. Scholastic, 1995.

Dunn, J. The Civil rights movement. Lucent Books, 1998.

Parks, R. Dear mrs. parks: A dialogue with today's youth. Lee & Low, 1996.

Ringgold, F. If a bus could talk: The story of rosa parks. Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 1999.

Tackach, J. Brown v. board of education. Lucent Books, 1998.

Wexler, S. The Civil rights movement: An eyewitness history. Facts on File,1999.


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