Recommended Student Reading List
American Passages: A Literary Survey. Annenberg Media Learner.Org. 1997 - 2006.>
HarpWeek Presents Immigrant and Ethnic America. 1998-99.>
Ng, Fae Myenne. Bone. HarperCollins Publishing: New York. 1993.
This novel, required reading by the Philadelphia School District for high school juniors, depicts the identity struggle for modern-day Chinese Americans.
McCunn, Ruthanne Lum. An Illustrated History of the Chinese in America.
Design Enterprises of San Francisco: San Francisco. 1979. p. 22.
Monk, Linda R. The Words We Live By: Your Annotated Guide to the Constitution.
Hyperion: New York. 2003.
Takaki, Ronald. Journey to Gold Mountain: The Chinese in 19th-Century America.
From a series called The Asian Experience. Jake Goldberg, ed. Chelsea House
Publishers: New York. 1989.
Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. Random House: New York. 1990.
The same novel on which the Hollywood feature film was based, takes the lives of four Chinese American women and interweaves their touching stories, emphasizing the often complex relationships women have with their mothers. Students can get confused when attempting to keep track of the names of the characters.
"The Strange Case of the Chinese Laundry." Segment 6, Webisode 8. Freedom: A
History of Us. Public Broadcasting Service. 2002.