Teacher Bibliography
On Tricksters:
Hyde, Lewis. Trickster Makes this World. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1998.
A fantastic resource, but not the most exciting book I've ever read. He sure likes to focus on the consumption of body parts. The appendices were most helpful.
Reesman, Jeanne Campbell, ed. Trickster Lives: Culture and Myth in American Fiction. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2001.
This is a great book. She has compiled a who's who of experts on trickster in literature.
, the Free Encyclopedia (2006). "Trickster" Last Accessed June 25, 2006 at
I really love this website. It is the best online encyclopedia and the fact that its readers help to write the entries means the entries are more specialized.
Heiner, Heidi Anne (2006), SurLaLune Fairy Tales. Last Accessed July 13, 2006 at
This is a great online reference. It contains information on most every tale known. It also contains the full text of several stories.
On Bloom's Taxonomy:
Clark, Donald (1999). Learning Domains or Bloom's Taxonomy. Last accessed
June 25, 2006 at
A basic primer on Bloom's Taxonomy.
On Writing the Research Paper:
Grand Valley State University (2004). Research Skills Tutorial. Last accessed June 25, 2006 at
A great resource for students and a good refresher for teachers teaching the research paper for the first or 200th time.
Lester, James D. Citing Electronic Sources in MLA Style. Last accessed June 25, 2006 at
A must for all on citing websites in a research paper.
Student Bibliography
Kimmel, Eric A. Anansi and the Moss Covered Rock. Holiday House, 1990.
This is a really funny picture book, in which the other animals get back at Anansi.
Knutson, Barbara. Love and Roast Chicken. Carolrhoda Books, 2004.
A hilarious South American story about a tricky guinea pig.
MacDonald, Amy. Please Malese! A Trickster Tale from Haiti. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002.
A colorful picture book featuring a human trickster from Haiti.
McDermott, Gerald. Coyote: A Trickster Tale from the American Southwest. Voyager Books, 1999.
A Native American trickster picture book.
McDermott, Gerald. Jabuti the Tortoise: A Trickster Tale from the Amazon. Harcourt Children's Books, 2001.
An Amazonian trickster picture book.
McDermott, Gerald. Raven: A Trickster Tale from the Pacific Northwest. Voyager Books, 2001.
A picture book that is also a creation myth.
McDermott, Gerald. Zomo the Rabbit: A Trickster Tale from West Africa. Voyager Books, 1996.
An African alternative to Anansi. Zomo also pops up in Caribbean tales.
McDermott, Gerald. Papagayo The Mischief Maker. Voyager Books, 1992.
A fun picture book about a noisy parrot.
Student Research Paper Book List
Atwood, Margaret
The Robber Bride
Badelier, Adolph
The Delight Makers
Briggs, J.P.
Trickster Tales
Bull, Emma
War for the Oaks
Chaucer, Geoffrey
The Miller's Tale
The Reeve's Tale
The Merchant's Tale
De Lint, Charles
Medicine Road
Someplace to be Flying
Driving Hawk Sneve, Virginia
The Trickster and the Troll
Dunn, Carolyn
Outfoxing Coyote
Gaiman, Neil
American Gods
Anansi Boys
Ginsberg, Allen
Selected Poems
Gray, Muriel
The Trickster
Greenhalgh, Zora
Trickster's Touch
Heller, Joseph
Hilgartner, Beth
Colors in the Dreamweaver's Loom
The Feast of the Trickster
Hong Kingston, Maxine
Tripmaster Monkey
Johnson, Kij
Fox Woman
King, Thomas
Green Grass, Running Water
One Good Story, That One
Lenard-Cook, Lisa
Coyote Morning
London, Jack
"The Priestly Prerogative"
"The Son of the Wolf"
Mahey, Margaret
The Tricksters
Melville, Herman
Billy Budd
The Confidence Man
Moore, Christopher
A Dirty Job
Coyote Blue
Morrison, Toni
O'Connor, Flannery
Good Country People
Owens, Louis
Bone Game
Pierce, Tamora
Trickster's Choice
Trickster's Queen
Power, Susan
The Grass Dancer
Shakespeare, William
As You Like It
The Taming of the Shrew
A Comedy of Errors
Love's Labor's Lost
Much Ado About Nothing
Snyder, Midori
Hannah's Garden
The Flight of Michael McBride
Steiber, Ellen
"The Fox Wife"
A Rumor of Gems
The Shadow Of the Fox
Twain, Mark
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Innocents Abroad
Roughing It
Windling, Terri
The Wood Wife