Teachers' Bibliography
Functional Academic Curriculum for Exceptional Students (F.A.C.E.S.) Language Arts
Module. Region 17 Education Service Center. Texas. 2003. The purpose of this
curriculum is to teach functional, age- appropriate skills within integrated school
and non-school settings to students with disabilities, and to base instruction on the
systematic evaluation of student progress.
Geis, Darlene. Walt Disney's Treasury of Children's Classics. Disney Press. New York.
1978. This book contains seventeen popular stories and dramatically illustrated stills from films Disney made from the stories, along with behind-the-scenes facts of each.
Hunt, Peter. Children's Literature. Blackwell. UK. 2001. This book is based on the
assumption that adults can experience children's literature for its primary
readership of revelation, expansion and exploration.
Katims, David S. The Quest for Literacy: Curriculum and Instructional Procedures for V
Teaching Reading and Writing to Students with Mental Retardation and
Developmental Disabilities. Council for Exceptional Children. VA, 2000. This is a monograph that presents a collection of methods, materials, and techniques for assessing and teaching students with mild to moderate mental retardation to
become successfully literate.
Kuffner, Trish. Picture Book Activities. Meadowbrook Press. New York, 2001. This
book has picture book activities developed for preschoolers but can be enjoyed by
children to age six.
Lukens, Rebecca J. A Critical Handbook of Children's Literature. Longman. Ohio.
1999. This is a handbook designed to be used by teachers as a supplement in
teaching students in literature programs.
MacCann, Donnarae. "Wells of Fancy" Trans. Shelia Egoff, G. T. Stubbs, and L. F.
Ashley. Only connect: readings on children's literature. Oxford University Press.
Toronto. New York 1969. 133-149.
Sutherland, Zena. Children & Books. Longman. New York. 1997. This publication
focuses on gaining a knowledge of a broad variety of fine children's books and
recognizing the diversity of children.
Reading List for Children
Selected picture books for children can be found in the Classroom Activities section of the unit.
Hamilton, Virginia. The People Could Fly: American Black Folktales. New York. 1985.
This book contains a collection of American black folktales.
A list of film for this unit can be found in the Classroom Activities section of the unit.
Web Sites:
DLTK's Crafts for Kids. This web site has information on animals, birds, reptiles and
amphibians and includes various sounds of animals. Resources include insect
coloring pages, clip art, and insect craft games.
Jungle Photos: Tropical Wilderness Images and Information. This website provides
accurate information and excellent images to inspire people to support wilderness
conservation and education. It features pictures and information about animals,
plants, scenery, people and towns.