Appendix A
Pennsylvania Standards for English and Language Arts
Academic Standards for Writing, Speaking and Listening: Grade 11
1.1.D. Identify, describe, evaluate and synthesize the essential ideas in text. Assess those reading strategies that were most effective in learning from a variety of texts.
Reading both nonfiction in the form of news and journal articles, biography and history, along with works of literature, especially poetry, students will adjust their strategies accordingly.
1.1.F. Understand the meaning of and apply key vocabulary across the various subject areas. Investigations of Native American culture cover language arts, history, art history, science, mathematics, health, architecture and social science. Vocabulary from all areas will be encountered and learned.
1.2 Reading Critically in All Content Areas
A. Read and understand essential content of informational texts and documents in all academic areas. Most notably news articles, biographical excerpts, government documents, historical, archaeological tracts, and literary criticism.
1.3. Reading, Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
1.3.C. Analyze the effectiveness, in terms of literary quality, of the author's use of literary devices. With special emphasis on voice, point of view and tone, students will encounter numerous examples of alliteration, imagery, irony, onomatopoeia and ellipsis.
1.4 Types of Writing
1.4.B. Write complex informational pieces (e.g. research papers, analyses, evaluations, essays) Students will read and research individual authors, analyze images of Native Americans in art and literature, evaluate texts and write essays on their findings, both informational and persuasive
1.5 Quality of Writing
1.5.B. Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic.
Practice in viewing models, pre-writing, peer editing, revision and publication.
1.2.C. Produce work in at least one literary genre that follows the conventions of the genre. Essay, poem, short story, and novella.