The Science of Global Warming


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Objectives
  2. Introduction
  3. The Scientific Method in Everyone
  4. The Greenhouse Effect and the Albedo
  5. Global Warming
  6. Activities for Interdisciplinary Instruction of Sea Level Rise and the Earth Day Celebration
  7. Organizing the Earth Day Event
  8. Bibliography For Teachers
  9. Reading List for Students
  10. Websites
  11. Materials
  12. Implementing District Standards

Educating the Community about Global Warming and Sea Level Rise through Earth Day

Matthew D. Cacopardo

Published September 2006

Tools for this Unit:

Implementing District Standards

Connecticut English Language Arts Content Standards

  1. Reading and Responding
  2. Communicating with Others

Students will be reading current news and scientific articles. These articles represent current research on how the increase in CO 2 is being correlated with the onset of global warming and sea level rise. Students will interpret, analyze and evaluate these articles. They will then communicate in the form of a persuasive essay to a politician about if they feel it would be advantageous to cooperate with the Kyoto Protocol.

Connecticut Mathematics Content Standards

1. Algebraic Reasoning

Students will be calculating area of towns along the coastline. They will then determine percent loss of the area after sea level rise incurs.

2. Working with Data

Students will be calculating area lost form the onset of sea level rise by utilizing topographic maps. Students will then develop a cost benefit analysis on the loss of U.S. tax revenue from real estate and revenue from coastal recreation due to sea level rise with the cost of cooperating with the Kyoto Protocol.

Connecticut Science Content Standards

1. Interdependence of Organisms

Students describe how energy flows through a food web which will be affected by sea level rise. Students will gain an appreciation for the biodiversity that is vulnerable to the onset of global warming.


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