Adapting Literature


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction and Rationale
  2. Strategies
  3. Objectives
  4. Sample Lesson16: Day One, Viewing O
  5. Sample Lesson: "Hecatommithi"
  6. Sample Lesson: Day One, Researching
  7. Annotated Teacher Resources
  8. Notes

Modernizing Shakespeare: Finding Contemporary Themes from Othello

Thomas J. Vari

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:

Sample Lesson: "Hecatommithi"

Remember that we're working with 90 minutes per class period. I never spend the entire time on one thing. I might keep us to one subject, as is the case in this lesson, but not one activity. For example, if we're in the middle of reading a long novel, I would never spend 90 minutes reading. I like to chunk the lessons into blocks within the block-period. I believe this helps with the students' attention span. Actually, it helps with my attention span; I find it redundant and boring to do the same thing for any duration of time.

At this point, we will have finished with our first viewing of O (the second viewing will be using the director's commentary). I like lessons to overlap and have a cyclic feel. I want students to enjoy a cohesive pattern from day to day. With this in mind, we start today by remembering the film. Students are going to make character charts. In one column I want them to write down the names of every character from the film. They'll be working with partners; no more than two students together. In another column they're going to jot down a short, one to three sentence, character description for each. When this activity is finished we'll move on to the next.

I'm going to give students 20 minutes to complete this task. We'll begin with 15 and I'll monitor their progress. I like to announce the time I'm allotting for each activity as we begin. This way students know how to pace their efforts. I know that students aren't going to stay focused for the entire time; some off-task behavior is inevitable and, in my opinion, forgivable. But, I will be on foot and supervising as they work.

Next, we share. We always share. This helps with many learning targets, including confidence building, communication skills, revising/editing, listening and taking notes. After students are back at their assigned seats, I'll call on individuals to share a character from their list and the description. Then, others may add to the description. We'll do this until each character from the film is identified and properly described. This should take about 10-15 minutes.

At this point, I will distribute a copy of the story, "Hecatommithi," and give instructions for our reading assignment. Each student will get their own copy of the story. If I make two-sided copies, we'll only use four sheets of paper per student. I think, when feasible, it's important for students to have their own copy of a reading assignment. When they have their own copy, they can take notes in the margin, highlight, underline, and use symbol strategies while reading. Active reading is important for comprehension.

While we read, students will be searching for each character from the text. They can highlight or underline every time a new character enters the story. This simple activity will force them to follow along and we'll use it during the next activity. We will only read for about 40 minutes regardless as to whether we finish. Again, I don't find it helpful for students to sit and do one thing for a very long time. Students lose interest and the ability to concentrate.

The last ten minutes will be used for two short culminating activities. Students will add the characters from "Hecatommithi" to their character charts from O. In a new column, they align the story's characters to those found in the film. It should be easy for students to make the connections. They might not have all of the characters, as we haven't finished our reading, but they can take about 5 minutes to match the ones they found thus far. When they've completed this, I'll have them each write a one-sentence summary of today's reading. We'll use these summaries to begin the next day's lessons.

Lesson Timetable: 90 Minutes

  • 20 minutes: remembering characters from O (taking notes with a partner)
  • 15 minutes: Sharing aloud
  • 5 minutes: Preparing to read "Hecatommithi"
  • 40 minutes: reading
  • 5 minutes: character charts
  • 5 minutes: one-sentence summary


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