1. H.G. Wells, Experiment in Autobiography: Discoveries and Conclusions of a Very Ordinary Brain (New York: The MacMillian Company, 1934). 1.
2. Lidia Yuknavitch. Real to Reel (Normal: FC2, 2003). Intro.
3. Dorothy Reigel. interview by Claudia Miller. telephone. 5 June 2007.
4. Simon Callow. Orson Welles: The Road to Xanadu (Middlesex: Penguin Books Ltd., 1995) 56.
5. Simmon Callow. Orson Welles: The Road to Xanadu (Middlesex: Penguin Books Ltd., 1995) 87.
6. Lidia Yuknavitch. Real to Reel (Normal: FC2, 2003). Intro.