Crime Fiction Investigation: "Socially Correct or Not, Let Me Tell You Who Did It"
Bonnee L. Breese Bentum
Published September 2007
Tools for this Unit:
SPREADS: S: skim the assigned text; P: pick meaning from the title by paraphrasing; R: read, retell and take
notes; E: evaluate information and clues; A: analyze what was read; D: provide details; S: Summarize what you have
Glenn Most and William W. Stowe, The Poetics of Murder: Detective Fiction and Literary Theory, p. 79.
Dennis Porter, The Pursuit of Crime: Art and Ideology in Detective Fiction, p. 82.
W. E. B. DuBois, The Souls of Black Folks: Essays and Sketches. 1903.
Red Harvest, 1929.
Robin W. Winks, ed., Detective Fiction: a Collection of Critical Essays, " The Criticism of Detective
Fiction" by George Dove, p. 206.
Attribute Web is a graphic organizer that visually represents related ideas to describe someone or something.
Colors will be used in the center of the web, used on an interactive whiteboard. Book 1 Secondary Education
Movement: Core Curriculum- Literacy, p. G1.
Paula L. Woods, Spooks, Spies and Private Eyes:. . ., p. xviii.
Stephen F. Soitos, The Blues Detective: A Study of African-American Detective Fiction, p. 37.
Sketch-to-Stretch is an exercise that asks student to create a picture or other graphic representation to
illustrate their understanding of a concept or a term. Only the word or concept phrase can be included on the
artwork. Students work in groups using large sheets of paper. Book 1 Secondary Education Movement: Core
Curriculum- Literacy, p. G5.