1. The American Heritage Dictionary 3rd Ed, Houghton Mifflin
2. Delaware Education Research and Development Center, 2006 School Rating: Academic
3. Johnson, P. 2
4. Introduction to How Witness Protection Works, witness-protection.htm
5. Washington Crime News Service, April 30, 2004
6. U.S. Supreme Court Center,
7. "Omertà ." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 5 Jul 2007, 15:22 UTC. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 7 Jul 2007 ?title=Omert%C3%A0&oldid=142679355.
8. "Police procedural." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 3 Jul 2007, 00:46 UTC. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 7 Jul 2007, ?title=Police_procedural&oldid=142135885.
9. Encyclopedian website:
10. Privilege is an exemption held by a particular person or class of persons. Privileged information is that information held by a person with the privilege and is not subject to discovery such as attorneys, physicians, spouses, clergyman, executive privilege, journalist and state secrets. Legal Office Concepts & Procedures by Robert Cummins, J.D., South Western Educational Publishing, 1998