Maps and Mapmaking


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Rationale
  4. Objectives
  5. Strategies
  6. Lessons
  7. Annotated Bibliography
  8. Implementing District Standards

The Underground Railroad and the Geography of Freedom: Using Slave Narratives and Negro Spirituals as Maps

Sheila Lorraine Carter-Jones

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:

Implementing District Standards

The activities in this unit meet the following Communications Standards:

  1. All students use effective research and information management skills including locating primary and secondary sources of information with traditional and emerging library technologies. This is evident in the students' use of printed resources to complete three self-selected writing assignments.
  2. All students read and use a variety of techniques to make sense of various kinds of complex texts. During this unit students read various levels of texts in order to participate in discussions, complete assignments and tap prior knowledge as they engage in creative dramatic activities.
  3. All students respond orally to information and ideas gained by reading narrative and informational texts and use this information and ideas to make decisions and solve problems. The creative dramatics activities in this unit require the students to discuss interpretations of words, actions and movements of body parts and the face.
  4. All students write for a variety of purposes including to narrate, to inform, and to persuade in all subject areas. Students will complete writing assignments that require them to narrate some portion of their own experience, share information or to convince someone of a perspective by presenting and solving a problem.
  5. All students analyze and make critical judgments about all forms of communication, separating fact from opinion, recognizing propaganda, stereotypes, and bias and recognizing inconsistencies and judging the validity of evidence. Students will apply this standard as they read and make sense of the slave narratives and Negro Spirituals.
  6. All students exchange information orally, including understanding and giving spoken instruction, asking and answering questions appropriately and promoting effective group communications. The creative dramatics and writing process pieces require discussion and group work in order to gain fully from each activity.
  7. All students listen to and understand complex oral messages and identify the purpose, structure, and use. Students must apply this standard as they observe and listen to dialogue in the creative dramatics activities before, during and after presentations. This includes the interpreting of Negro Spirituals.
  8. All Students compose and make oral presentations for each academic area of study that are designed to inform, persuade and describe. Students will make oral presentations in the form of situation role playing and movement and pantomime activities.


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