Maps and Mapmaking


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Objectives
  3. Strategies
  4. Maps and Art
  5. Perspective
  6. Chinese Maps and Landscapes
  7. Maps of Cities
  8. Aboriginal Maps
  9. Classroom Activities
  10. Lesson One
  11. Lesson Two
  12. Lesson Three
  13. Classroom Resources

Portraits of Places: Maps and Art from the European City View to the Aboriginal Dreamtime Paintings

Kimberly Kellog Towne

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:

Classroom Resources

Teacher Resources

Amboziah, Brian M., and Jeffrey R. Ambroziah. Infinite Perspectives: Two Thousand Years of Three-Dimensional Mapmaking. London: Princeton Architectural P, 1999.

Not the most relevant to the topic, but it has interesting visuals of relief maps and flat maps depicting three-dimensions.

Arnheim, Rudolf. Art and Visual Perception: a Psychology of the Creative Eye. Berkeley: University of California, 1954.

A fascinating book on the psychological responses to different visual images.

"Braun and Hogenberg: Civitates Orbis Terrarum." Historic Cities. 14 May 2007>.

A website that gives in-depth background on the "Civitates Orbis Terrarum".

Buisseret, David, ed. From Sea Charts to Satellite Images: Interpreting North American History Through Maps. Chicago: The University of Chicago P, 1990.

A wonderful teaching resource that would be invaluable to a history teacher or anyone interested in integrating history and maps into their curriculum.

Caruana, Wally. Aboriginal Art. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1994.

A well-done, thorough book on Aboriginal art.

Casey, Edward S. Representing Place: Landscape Painting & Maps. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2002.

While this book has a wonderful premise and valuable ideas, it does not have easily accessible writing

Crumlin, Rosemary, and Anthony Knight. Aboriginal Art and Spirituality. Victoria, Australia: Dove, 1995.

A book focusing on the spirituality in Aboriginal art. It contains lovely images.

Fead, Margaret Irene. "Notes on the Development of the Cartographic Representation of Cities." Geographical Review 23 (1933): 441-456. Yale University, New Haven. 04 July 2007. Keyword: city maps.

A scholarly article that gives a clear and concise history of mapping of cities.

Gombrich, E H. The Story of Art. 16th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1995.

A wonderful resource for any art teacher. This survey art history book is easily accessible and has wonderful information on the development of perspective.

Gross, Sally Lorensen. Toward an Urban View: the Nineteenth-Century American City in Prints. New Haven: Yale University Art Gallery, 1989.

This gallery catalog is from an art exhibit of the same name. While obviously not all the images would fall into the categories being looked at in this unit, it is an interesting resource.

Harmon, Katharine. You are Here: Personal Geographies and Other Maps of the Imagination. New York: Princeton Architectural P, 2004.

An interesting book focusing on inventive, creative maps. This would be great for visuals of unusual maps.

"Learning Mapping History." Learning Culture and Knowledge. British Library. 14 May 2007>.

A fantastic website on using maps in the classroom. This is defiantly worth some time exploring.

Mapping the World: an Illustrated History of Cartography. Washington, DC: National Geographic, 2006.

A gorgeous book with stunning illustrations.

Morphy, Howard. Aboriginal Art. London: Phaidon P Limited, 1998.

While a dense book, it is a thorough explanation of Aboriginal art. It has some illustrations, though not as many as other books.

Nigel, Spivey. How Art Made the World. New York: Basic Books, 2005.

This book, based on a PBS series is wonderful. The premise is that art and the developments in art actually have had significant impact on human culture. There is also a DVD set available which is great to show to students.

Nuti, Lucia. "The Perspective Plan in the Sixteenth Century: the Invention of a Representational Language." The Art Bulletin 76 (1994): 105-128. Yale University, New Haven. 04 July 2007. Keyword: perspective map.

This scholarly article deals with the pictorial maps of the 16th century.

Rees, Ronald. "Historical Links Between Cartography and Art." Geographical Review 1 (70): 60-78. JSTOR. New Haven. 7 July 2007. Keyword: maps and art.

This interesting article traces the connections between mapping and art developments.

Rennie Short, John. The World Through Maps: a History of Cartography. New York: Firefly Books, 2003.

A clear, concise book with wonderful images.

Schama, Simon. Landscape and Memory. New York: Vintage Books, 1995.

While not directly dealing with maps or mapping, it is a wonderful book dealing with landscape and it's role in art history and it's connection to people.

Silberman, Robert. World Views: Maps and Art. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 1999.

This is an excellent resource on the connection and overlapping of maps and art. I would highly recommend it for anyone interested in this area.

Smith, Richard J. Chinese Maps: Images of Asia. New York: Oxford UP, 1996.

A very short, specific book that has a great deal of information and mostly black and white images.

Smith, Roberta. "Envy, Conquest, Revenge: It's All in the Maps." New York Times 15 Jan. 1999. 07 July 2007>.

A newspaper review of a map exhibit.

Valiant, Sharon. "Maria Sibylla Merian: Recovering an Eighteenth-Century Legend." Eighteenth-Century Studies 26 (1993): 467-479. JSTOR. Yale University, New Haven. 05 July 2007. Keyword: Mathias Merian.

An interesting, scholarly article on Maria Sibylla Merian.

Walker, Paul Robert. The Feud That Sparked the Renaissance: How Brunelleschi and Ghiberti Changed the Art World. New York: Perennial, 2003.

A wonderfully readable book. The premise is that Ghiberti's winning the assignment of creating the Baptistery's doors enabled Brunelleschi to develop the mathematical aspects of perspective.

Wilford, John Noble. The Mapmakers. 2nd ed. New York: Vintage Books, 2000.

A well-done overview of the history of cartography.

The World Encompassed. Baltimore: Trustees of the Walters Art Gallery, 1952.

An out of print exhibition catalog with entirely black and white illustrations and very little information.

Depicting China: 800 years of Early Chinese Maps by John Hebert

A website that deals with the history of Chinese maps. It only has some basic information

Student resources

Berndt, Catherine Helen. Pheasant and Kingfisher. New York: Mondo Publishing, 1994.

A children's book (available also in big book format) retelling an Aboriginal myth and illustrated by an Aboriginal artist.

Job, Kenneth, and Lois Weisner Wolf. Skills for Understanding Maps and Globes. Ed. Jack Abramowitz. Chicago: Follett Company, 1976.

While an older book and maybe difficult to obtain, it has a variety of lessons and handouts for teaching basic mapping skills.

La Pierre, Yvette. Mapping a Changing World. Charlottesville: Thomasson-Grant & Lickle, 1995.

A wonderful children's book that traces the development of maps throughout history. Easily read and filled with wonderful images.

"Panoramic Map Artist Albert Ruger Died." America's Story From America's Library. Library of Congress. 14 May 2007>.

A children's website, part of the larger Library of Congress website, dealing with a news reporting activity on the death of Albert Ruger.

"Panoramic Maps Collection." American Memory. Library of Congress. 14 May 2007>.

A fantastic, definitive website on American Panoramic maps. This is the website that everyone else quotes. It also has a wide variety of lesson suggestions for teachers.


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